2. Now go to you another page and create the bootstrap modal. Inside that modal create a div and name it anything eg “saleReportNew”.
3. Most important thing comes now. Add the below jQuery Load method code on your page.
jQuery(document).ready(function () {
jQuery(“#saleReportNew”).load(“sale #saleReport”);
The above code is using .load() method, and this method calls the sale page and fetches all the content of “saleReport” div. Then it shown this content inside the “saleReportNew” div. So whenever the modal is shown on the page it will show the sale report of the current date.
I would recommend you to take a look on the syntax and uses of this – jQuery Load method so that you can perfectly understand what I am telling. The jQuery load method is very powerful and you will use is many times in your website for situations like these.
Thanks & Regards