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  • Moderator bcworkz


    Wow! You actually read all of that? That must have been hard to follow. It was hard enough for me to follow when I was helping the OP in that thread!

    When you @ reference a user in these forums, they should get an email with the contents of the post. Let’s give that a try.

    @amybryde — Hello! bcworkz here. Remember our conversation about search queries?

    Another user would like to see the code you ended up with. If you can help out, please visit this topic. Thanks!

    hello, may be you need to use wp types? that plugin can solve your problem

    Thread Starter webuser1



    I was so impressed with the incredible amount of patience you showed in helping @amybryde get the search working.

    @adilsweet, that was not helpful because I have no idea what you mean.

    Besides, I wanted custom search for our custom tables.

    That’s why the thread between @amybryde and @bcworkz is exactly what I would like to have.

    I tried copying her solutions and modify but it was hard for me to determine which one is the searchform and which one is the search results.

    Perhaps, if @bcworkz can guide me in that direction, I can probably make them work.

    Moderator bcworkz


    FWIW, wp types could be a solution if you were starting out by establishing a new data schema. For an existing large dataset, unless you’re willing to do a massive data conversion, it’s not helpful. I for one always appreciate any suggestions, even if they turn out to not be helpful. Sometimes alternative ideas lead us on a fruitful alternative path to a solution. Ya never know! ??

    While it’s always tempting to try to use existing code to accomplish something, it can be more trouble than it’s worth. Figuring out what someone else did and adapting it to your own needs can be difficult. It’s often more productive to start with my own code from the start. Naturally, being skilled enough to write my own code is a huge asset which not everyone has.

    This is something even a beginning coder can eventually work out with a little guidance. I’m assuming your data table is part of the same database as WP. If not, a solution is still at hand, but being in the same DB simplifies things. Start by creating a custom page template. It can be extremely minimal, but work from your theme’s page.php for guidance. You will want the header and footer calls and any overall HTML containers from page.php, but you probably do not need the usual loop section.

    Once you have a skeletal framework, create a page based on your template for testing purposes. Viewing the page at this point should result in nothing but your theme’s header and footer with a small blank content area. To catch any errors as you proceed, define WP_DEBUG as true in wp-config.php. When you’re done actively developing, don’t forget to return this to false.

    The next step is to add a simple search form. This is straight HTML. The form action attribute is an empty string and the method is POST. After this is a large if(){} section that runs when $_SERVER[‘REQUEST_METHOD’] == ‘POST’. This is the code that takes the submitted form data, constructs and runs an SQL query, then displays the results. When everything is in the same DB, you can use methods of the global $wpdb object to run your SQL.

    That’s really all there is to it. The devil’s in the details of course, but those are just a matter of working through them one at a time. It’ll all come together eventually. Good luck!

    Thread Starter webuser1


    @bcworkz, thank you for the very detailed explanation.

    Yes, my database is part of the WP.

    I probably didn’t explain myself well when I said that perhaps you can guide me.

    When I meant to say is that you can probably show me which of @amybryde’s code is the search form and which one is the search result form.

    If I can determine which is which, I am confident I can adapt them to my needs.

    About creating my own template off of page.php, I guess one of my confusions is if I use the template that I am creating off of page.php and enter search form there, where do I get search results?

    Moderator bcworkz


    Yeah, I did understand what you wanted. I’m advocating that you not follow that approach. That code is fragmented and altered over time. I don’t think it’s worth trying to piece it together. I’m not sure I can even make sense of it from that topic alone.

    If we had the final version in it’s entirety, then that may be something to work with. As of now, that is not available. For what we have now I think you’re better off starting from a clean slate. I realize I have a skewed perspective of what’s “easy” to code. We’re essentially looking at a plain old HTML form and a certain SQL query based on submitted values, then running a foreach loop to display the results. There’s really not that much there.

    If you still find this too intimidating, consider hiring some expert help from somewhere like If you’re willing to fine tune the basic code yourself (mainly CSS), the basic functional framework shouldn’t be very expensive.

    Thread Starter webuser1


    Hi helper,

    Sorry I am late this one. Got pulled away for a minute.

    Just one more question and that will set me off on my own.

    You indicated that all I need to get started is a page template from page.php and start off straight with HTML search form.

    My question is I know I need to put a comment at top of page to let wordpress know this is a template, do I need another template for search results?

    If yes, does it still need to comment tag top of the page.

    Do they need to reside on same folder as the searchform and say page.php?

    These are the confusing parts of it.

    I have written a php search script that works a treat but I recognize that it takes a bit more work to get a regular php search script to work with wordpress.

    Life could be simpler if wordpress allows us to plug in our won search pages without the tweaking that most of us don’t understand.

    Moderator bcworkz


    Yeah, I hear you. It is confusing. FWIW, once you know what’s required, adaptation to WP is not really that difficult. The hardest part is finding out what to do X>

    You can manage this with two pages if you want. Each page template with unique code needs its own unique comment tag.

    I suggest doing it all on one page. Add the required comment tag. Enter your search form code. The action attribute of the form tag is an empty string (submits form to same page) and the method is “POST”

    This file belongs in your theme folder with all the other template files. At least the base template files like page.php, some themes put template parts elsewhere.

    The search results code is all inside an if ('POST' == $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) : conditional. If you wish to hide the form when results are listed, reverse the logic and use similar for the form part.

    Add a WP page based on this template to establish a permalink. No content needed, just a title. When the peramlink is requested, your form is displayed. When the form POSTs its data, the search results code inside the if conditional executes.

    Thread Starter webuser1


    Will be ok if I run my code by you when I am done with it and I have problem getting it to work?

    I will do all I can to avoid bothering but will really appreciate some help if I can’t get it working.

    Thank you very much.

    Moderator bcworkz


    Sure, no problem at all. We’re here to help after all ??

    We do ask that if your code is of any size, please post somewhere like and simply provide the link here. When you publish your paste in pastebin, please select the appropriate syntax highlighting, typically PHP of course. Posting code this way makes it MUCH easier to read.

    Thread Starter webuser1


    Thank you, thank you very much for your kindness.

    Thread Starter webuser1


    Ok, my first swipe at hopefully not irritating you.

    I have created template called register.php.

    This is strictly HTML markups. User completes the form, click the NEXT button and is taken to review.php. This is where user verifies his/her information for accuracy. If all goes well, s/he clicks submit. The info passed from this page is processed on process.php page.

    register.php is on the themes folder.

    review.php and process.php are inside a folder called forms which is on the root directory.

    Everything works well so far.

    Here is the issue. Once a user clicks the submit button, we would like the user and the admin of the wordpress site to both receive emails.

    So far, there are no errors but no email is going out.

    I know I am doing something wrong.

    Any ideas please?

    Here is the code on pastebin.

    Thanks very much indeed.

    Moderator bcworkz


    Heh, you will have a difficult time irritating me by asking legitimate questions about WP. In any case, I have a great technique for dealing with irritating people. I simply ignore them ??

    There’s not enough context to be sure, but it sounds like these pages are requested directly without going through WP pages. This is fine as long as you do not need WP resources. In order to use WP resources, the WP environment needs to be initialized. There’s only a few proper ways to do this. None of them involve requiring or including core files. Any examples you may see doing this are Doing It Wrong?. The easiest way to do this properly is to create a custom page template, then add a WP page based on the template. When the WP page is requested through its permalink, the template code executes.

    Another option is to send AJAX requests through /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php. If all you need is to email a message, this might be a good option. The only other choice is to send GET or POST requests through /wp-admin/admin-post.php. This is similar to AJAX, but no jQuery is needed, so it too could be useful if an email function is all you need from WP.

    Hi there! I apologize for not responding sooner, I have been on a much needed vacation for the past week ?? Let me check on that code and I will get back to you as soon as I can. It is great to know that our thread is helping someone else as this was such a long process and worked out great!


    Thread Starter webuser1


    Hi @amybryde.

    Thanks so much for your time and help.

    As they say, good deeds beget good deeds.

    As indicated to @bcworkz, I am pretty decent when it comes to coding in php but integrating with WordPress is a different animal.

    I really appreciate your help and promise to pay it forward one way or another.

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