Sure. There a a few things you need for this to work.
1. There must be a popbox button for your desired popbox somewhere on the page. It doesn’t have to be visible to the user, but it must exists.
2. You need to know the selectors of the popbox button.
3. You need to know the selector of the image you want to use.
4. You need to be able to add JS/Jquery to your website. It can be with a plugin or, depending on your theme, there may be a place to include it.
If you aren’t sure how to do this, add the popbox button to the bottom of your screen. In the advanced section of the popbox elementor widget, give the popbox button a css ID.
For the image you want to use, go to that elementor widget’s advanced section and give it a CSS ID as well.
You also want to give your image a link so the cursor shows that it is clickable, will do.
Then it’s just Jquery.
(function($) {
$( “#cssSelectorForYourPopBoxButton > div > div.elementor-button-wrapper > a” ).trigger( “click” );
I wanted to target the a in my popbox button. That is probably what you want to do as well. for me, the selector looked like this #cssSelectorForYourPopBoxButton > div > div.elementor-button-wrapper > a
After you get it working, if you don’t want the button to be seen by users, give your popbox button a z-index of zero and move it up behind your slider or some other big element on your site.