• Hello there,

    I’m trying to make a plugin which reads a file in server and imports the file data into website.

    The plugin will first delete each and every listing and its post meta from database and backend and then will read the file and import the posts according to csv file.

    Everything was working before but after writing the deletion code IDK whats happened and nothing is working.

    The code I’m using is below

     * Plugin Name: Cron CSV Import
     * Plugin URI: https://demo.themesuite.com/index.php?plugin=Automotive
     * Description: Import CSV by file
     * Version: 1.0.0
     * Author: Theme Suite
     * Author URI: https://www.themesuite.com
    defined('CRON_CSV_IMPORTER_FILE_PATH') || define('CRON_CSV_IMPORTER_FILE_PATH', 'import-csv');
    function cron_csv_importer_plugin_activate() {
        $file_dir = trailingslashit( wp_upload_dir()['basedir'] ) . CRON_CSV_IMPORTER_FILE_PATH;
        $backup_dir = trailingslashit( wp_upload_dir()['basedir'] ) . CRON_CSV_IMPORTER_BACKUP_PATH;
        wp_mkdir_p( $file_dir );
        wp_mkdir_p( $backup_dir );
        if ( ! wp_next_scheduled( 'cron_csv_importer_cron_hook' ) ) {
            wp_schedule_event( time() + 30, 'twicedaily', 'cron_csv_importer_cron_hook' );        
        /* activation code here */
    register_activation_hook( __FILE__, 'cron_csv_importer_plugin_activate' );
    function cron_csv_importer_run_importer()
        require_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/image.php');
        require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/post.php' );
        $files = list_files(trailingslashit( wp_upload_dir()['basedir'] ) . CRON_CSV_IMPORTER_FILE_PATH);
        $backup_dir = trailingslashit( wp_upload_dir()['basedir'] ) . CRON_CSV_IMPORTER_BACKUP_PATH;
        // if(!empty($files)) return;
        foreach($files as $file)
            if(wp_check_filetype($file)['ext'] !== 'csv') continue;
            rename($file, $backup_dir. '/'. basename($file, '.csv').'_'.date('d-m-Y'). '_'. time(). '.csv' );
    	// mail('[email protected]', 'Cron event completed', 'Yout current cron job just completed');
    function cron_csv_importer_import_file($csvFile)
        global $wpdb;
        $delPosts = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM wp_posts WHERE post_type LIKE 'listings'");
        foreach( $delPosts as $posts ) {
            $delpostID = $posts->ID;
            wp_delete_post($delpostID, true);
            $delimages = get_post_meta($delpostID, 'gallery_images' , true) ;
            $unserdelimages = (array)unserialize($delimages);
            wp_delete_attachment( get_post_thumbnail_id($delpostID), true );
            $wpdb->get_results("DELETE FROM $wpdb->postmeta WHERE post_id  ". $delpostID ."");             
            foreach($unserdelimages as $image)
        $file = fopen($csvFile, 'r');
        $i = 0;
        $header_array = [];
        $dealer_id = [];
        $vin = [];
        $stock = [];
        $condition = [];
    	$type_of_vehicle = [];
        $permalink = [];
        $year = [];
        $make = [];
        $model = [];
        $model_number = [];
        $body = [];
        $transmission = [];
        $series = [];
        $body_door_ct = [];
        $odometer = [];
        $engine_cylinder_ct = [];
        $engine_displacement = [];
        $drivetrain_desc = [];
        $colour = [];
        $interior_color = [];
        $invoice = [];
        $other_price = [];
        $book_value = [];
        $price = [];
        $inventory_date = [];
        $certified = [];
        $description = [];
        $features = [];
        $photo_url_list = [];
        $city_mpg = [];
        $highway_mpg = [];
        $photos_last_modified_date = [];
        $status_code = [];
        $cost = [];
        $series_detail = [];
        $inspection_checklist = [];
        $secondary_title = [];
        $engine_description = [];
        $certification = [];
        $option_codes = [];
        $misc_price1 = [];
        $misc_price2 = [];
        $misc_price3 = [];
        $disposition = [];
        $fuel_type = [];
        while(! feof($file))
            if($i == 0)
                $header_array = cron_csv_import_map_headers(fgetcsv($file));
            $data = fgetcsv($file);
            if( !is_array($data) || !array_key_exists($header_array['vin'], $data)) continue;
            $posts = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM $wpdb->postmeta WHERE meta_key = 'vin-number' AND  meta_value = '".$data[$header_array['vin']]."' LIMIT 1", ARRAY_A); 
            if(strtolower($data[$header_array['status_code']]) === 'sold')
                if(empty($posts)) continue;
                $post_id = $posts[0]['post_id'];            
                $images = get_post_meta($post_id, 'gallery_images' , true);
                wp_delete_attachment( get_post_thumbnail_id($post_id), true );
                $wpdb->get_results("DELETE FROM $wpdb->postmeta WHERE post_id = ".$post_id." LIMIT 1", ARRAY_A);             
                foreach($images as $image)
                $new_post = array(
                    'post_title'    => wp_strip_all_tags( $data[$header_array['make']]. ' ' . $data[$header_array['model']] ),
                    'post_name'    => wp_strip_all_tags( $data[$header_array['year']] . ' ' . $data[$header_array['make']]. ' ' . $data[$header_array['model']]. ' ' . $data[$header_array['stock']]. ' '),
                    'post_content'  => $data[$header_array['description']],
                    'post_type' => 'listings',
                    'post_status'   => 'publish',
                    'post_author'   => 1,                
                  // Insert the post into the database
                $post_id = wp_insert_post( $new_post ); 
                $post_id = $posts[0]['post_id'];            
                $post_data = array(
                    'ID' => $post_id,
                    'post_title'    => wp_strip_all_tags( $data[$header_array['make']]. ' ' . $data[$header_array['model']] ),
                    'post_name'    => wp_strip_all_tags( $data[$header_array['year']] . ' ' . $data[$header_array['make']]. ' ' . $data[$header_array['model']]. ' ' . $data[$header_array['stock']]. ' '),
                    'post_content'  => $data[$header_array['description']],
                wp_update_post( $post_data );
            update_post_meta($post_id, 'vin-number', $data[$header_array['vin']]);   
            $images = $data[$header_array['photo_url_list']];
            $image_array = explode('|',$images);
            $attachment_ids = [];
            foreach($image_array as $image)
                $filename = md5($image).'_'.basename($image);
                    $attachment = get_page_by_title( $filename, OBJECT, 'attachment');                    
                    $attachment_ids[] = $attachment->ID;
                $uploaddir = wp_upload_dir();
                $uploadfile = $uploaddir['path'] . '/' . $filename;
                $contents= file_get_contents($image);
                $savefile = fopen($uploadfile, 'w');
                fwrite($savefile, $contents);
                $wp_filetype = wp_check_filetype(basename($filename), null );
                $attachment = array(
                    'post_mime_type' => $wp_filetype['type'],
                    'post_title' => $filename,
                    'post_content' => '',
                    'post_status' => 'inherit'
                $attach_id = wp_insert_attachment( $attachment, $uploadfile );
                if ($attach_data = wp_generate_attachment_metadata( $attach_id, $uploadfile)) {
                    wp_update_attachment_metadata($attach_id, $attach_data);
                $attachment_ids[] = $attach_id;     
            update_post_meta($post_id, 'gallery_images', $attachment_ids);   
            $listing_options = get_post_meta($post_id, 'listing_options', true);
                $listing_options = [];
                $listing_options = unserialize($listing_options);
            $listing_options['price']['value'] = $data[$header_array['price']];
            $listing_options['price']['original'] = $data[$header_array['other_price']];
            $listing_options['city_mpg']['value'] = $data[$header_array['city_mpg']];
            $listing_options['highway_mpg']['value'] = $data[$header_array['highway_mpg']];
            $stock[$post_id] = $data[$header_array['stock']];
            $dealer_id[$post_id] = $data[$header_array['dealer_id']];
            $vin[$post_id] = $data[$header_array['vin']];
            $condition[$post_id] = $data[$header_array['condition']];
    		$type_of_vehicle[$post_id] = $data[$header_array['body_type']];
            $permalink[$post_id] = $data[$header_array['permalink']];
            $year[$post_id] = $data[$header_array['year']];
            $make[$post_id] = $data[$header_array['make']];
            $model[$post_id] = $data[$header_array['model']];
            $model_number[$post_id] = $data[$header_array['model_number']];
            $body[$post_id] = $data[$header_array['body']];
            $transmission[$post_id] = $data[$header_array['transmission']];
            $series[$post_id] = $data[$header_array['series']];
            $body_door_ct[$post_id] = $data[$header_array['body_door_ct']];
            $odometer[$post_id] = $data[$header_array['odometer']];
            $engine_cylinder_ct[$post_id] = $data[$header_array['engine_cylinder_ct']];
            $engine_displacement[$post_id] = $data[$header_array['engine_displacement']];
            $drivetrain_desc[$post_id] = $data[$header_array['drivetrain_desc']];
            $colour[$post_id] = $data[$header_array['colour']];
            $interior_color[$post_id] = $data[$header_array['interior_color']];
            $invoice[$post_id] = $data[$header_array['invoice']];
            $other_price[$post_id] = $data[$header_array['other_price']];
            $book_value[$post_id] = $data[$header_array['book_value']];
            $price[$post_id] = $data[$header_array['price']];
            $inventory_date[$post_id] = $data[$header_array['inventory_date']];
            $certified[$post_id] = $data[$header_array['certified']];
            $description[$post_id] = $data[$header_array['description']];
            $features[$post_id] = $data[$header_array['features']];
            $photo_url_list[$post_id] = $data[$header_array['photo_url_list']];
            $city_mpg[$post_id] = $data[$header_array['city_mpg']];
            $highway_mpg[$post_id] = $data[$header_array['highway_mpg']];
            $photos_last_modified_date[$post_id] = $data[$header_array['photos_last_modified_date']];
            $status_code[$post_id] = $data[$header_array['status_code']];
            $cost[$post_id] = $data[$header_array['cost']];
            $series_detail[$post_id] = $data[$header_array['series_detail']];
            $inspection_checklist[$post_id] = $data[$header_array['inspection_checklist']];
            $secondary_title[$post_id] = $data[$header_array['secondary_title']];
            $engine_description[$post_id] = $data[$header_array['engine_description']];
            $certification[$post_id] = $data[$header_array['certification']];
            $option_codes[$post_id] = $data[$header_array['option_codes']];
            $misc_price1[$post_id] = $data[$header_array['misc_price1']];
            $misc_price2[$post_id] = $data[$header_array['misc_price2']];
            $misc_price3[$post_id] = $data[$header_array['misc_price3']];
            $disposition[$post_id] = $data[$header_array['disposition']];
            $fuel_type[$post_id] = $data[$header_array['fuel_type']];
    function cron_csv_import_map_headers($data)
        return [
            "dealer_id"  => array_search("DealerId", $data),
            "vin"  => array_search("VIN", $data),
            "stock"  => array_search("Stock #", $data),
            "condition"  => array_search("New/Used", $data),
    		"body_type"  => array_search("Body Type", $data),
            "permalink"  => array_search("permalink", $data),
            "year"  => array_search("Year", $data),
            "make"  => array_search("Make", $data),
            "model"  => array_search("Model", $data),
            "model_number"  => array_search("Model Number", $data),
            "body"  => array_search("Body", $data),
            "transmission"  => array_search("Transmission", $data),
            "series"  => array_search("Series", $data),
            "body_door_ct"  => array_search("Body Door Ct", $data),
            "odometer"  => array_search("Odometer", $data),
            "engine_cylinder_ct"  => array_search("Engine Cylinder Ct", $data),
            "engine_displacement"  => array_search("Engine Displacement", $data),
            "drivetrain_desc"  => array_search("Drivetrain Desc", $data),
            "colour"  => array_search("Colour", $data),
            "interior_color"  => array_search("Interior Color", $data),
            "invoice"  => array_search("Invoice", $data),
            "other_price"  => array_search("Other Price", $data),
            "book_value"  => array_search("Book Value", $data),
            "price"  => array_search("Price", $data),
            "inventory_date"  => array_search("Inventory Date", $data),
            "certified"  => array_search("Certified", $data),
            "description"  => array_search("Description", $data),
            "features"  => array_search("Features", $data),
            "photo_url_list"  => array_search("Photo Url List", $data),
            "city_mpg"  => array_search("City MPG", $data),
            "highway_mpg"  => array_search("Highway MPG", $data),
            "photos_last_modified_date"  => array_search("Photos Last Modified Date", $data),
            "status_code"  => array_search("Status Code", $data),
            "cost"  => array_search("Cost", $data),
            "series_detail"  => array_search("Series Detail", $data),
            "inspection_checklist"  => array_search("Inspection Checklist #", $data),
            "secondary_title"  => array_search("Secondary Title", $data),
            "engine_description"  => array_search("Engine Description", $data),
            "certification"  => array_search("Certification", $data),
            "option_codes"  => array_search("Option Codes", $data),
            "misc_price1"  => array_search("MiscPrice1", $data),
            "misc_price2"  => array_search("MiscPrice2", $data),
            "misc_price3"  => array_search("MiscPrice3", $data),
            "disposition"  => array_search("Disposition", $data),
            "fuel_type"  => array_search("Fuel Type", $data),
        if(isset($_GET['run_import'])) cron_csv_importer_run_importer();
    add_action( 'cron_csv_importer_cron_hook', 'cron_csv_importer_run_importer' );
    register_deactivation_hook( __FILE__, 'cron_csv_importer_deactivate' ); 
    function cron_csv_importer_deactivate() {
        $timestamp = wp_next_scheduled( 'cron_csv_importer_cron_hook' );
        wp_unschedule_event( $timestamp, 'cron_csv_importer_cron_hook' );
        wp_unschedule_event( $timestamp, 'cron_csv_importer_delete_data' );

    Where I’m making the mistake or what I’m doing wrong due to which it only deletes the listings and post meta but not importing the file accurately.


Viewing 1 replies (of 1 total)
  • Moderator bcworkz


    You’ll need to use typical debugging techniques to determine where things are going wrong. Set up a test page that calls cron_csv_importer_import_file() on demand so you don’t need to wait for a Cron event and you’ll be able to see debug data that you will be echoing out.

    Add debug code at strategic places, verifying variables contain the data they should and that execution even reaches where it should. For example, ensure that fgetcsv($file) is properly parsing your file. If your file doesn’t use the default parameters assumed by fgetcsv(), it may fail to properly parse the file and assign the correct data to $data.

    Any time you have a conditional that needs to execute, verify it does by echoing out a confirmation from within the conditional code. Anytime you use a variable with essential data, var_dump() the data to be sure it’s what it should be.

    If you do this in adequate detail, you’ll eventually find where things go wrong and have some idea on how to repair it based on how it went wrong.

Viewing 1 replies (of 1 total)
  • The topic ‘How to delete all posts and posts meta and then import from csv file’ is closed to new replies.