Hi there,
If you want to replace it with your own text, including links, then the only way to do that is to modify the theme’s footer.php
file itself. Keep in mind that the recommended practice in such a case is to create a child theme, and make the necessary changes there – if you edit footer.php
directly those changes will be lost the next time the theme updates.
We’re not able to help with that level of customization, but you can find information on creating child themes here:
And an article showing what code in that file you need to look for here:
In some other forum threads for this question I’ve also seen people recommend the plugin, https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/remove-footer-credit/
I’ve tried it out on a test site and it seems to work well enough.
But you’ll need to add the HTML code of the footer credit in that plugin for it to be removed, so:
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