• I do have at the top of my posts and pages the Author Name.

    You can see one example at my “Schnelles Geld verdienen” Post.

    The author name is also linked to the following path:https://www.rieder-enterprises.com/author/admin

    but it looks like, that path doesn’t exist.
    The result: I do have on each page and post a broken link !


    1. How can I fix that ?
    2. How can I change the link ?
    3. Or how could I possible delete the Author anyways ?

    Thank you very much for any little help,
    I really appreciate it !

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  • You can hide the author by adding this CSS rule using either a child theme or a CSS plugin like Jetpack or Custom CSS Manager:

    .single .byline, .group-blog .byline {
       display: none;

    Thread Starter reseo


    Hmm.. maybe my question wasn’t clear or misunderstood.

    So the author is always me.. so my name pops up at the top of every single page and post. And this is what I would like to remove.

    I am using the twenty fourteen theme and jetpack.
    If I do have Jetpack.. what specific plugin do I have to activate or deactivate ?

    Still confused and not able to get it done !

    Thx for your patience and any little help !

    Thread Starter reseo


    ohhh wait.. ha.. no I think I got it what you meant.. I can use within the Jetpack the custome css .. this is great…

    ok.. this is awesome – lightbulb just went on… lol;

    ok.. and what’s the code for deleting the “LEAVE A COMMENT” ?

    Thank you so much, you made my day !

    To hide the comments link, change the rule so it looks like this:

    .single .byline, .group-blog .byline,
    .entry-meta .comments-link {

    Thread Starter reseo


    awesome.. you are a rockstar ! thank you so much !!!

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