can you please delete this topic ?
That isn’t done for a variety of reasons.
Hello, i want ask, if it possible delete wordpress support account.
About deleting your account: I’m sorry, but on the site due to valid technical reasons there is no way to delete accounts there.
It is not that we are being obtuse or difficult or that we do not want to delete your account. But due to the way that the different systems are connected on that site we are (painfully!) aware that it breaks many things. It has been attempted in the past.
If you do not want to use your account on please simply abandon it.
Where i can wrote if i want delete this account and make new with this same username.
I use bad password and email so i now cant log in, but i want use same nickname.
You can create a new user ID here with a new email. That will do it but please do not use both accounts. That will lead to your having both accounts blocked. Multiple accounts in use is taken very seriously.