• Resolved f00bar


    Hi, hope someone can help me with this.

    I’m coding a loop to bring in page titles as a menu, using the following loop:

    $curr = '';
    $menuitems = get_pages('sort_column=menu_order&sort_order=ASC');
      foreach ($menuitems as $menuitem) {
    	$menu = '<li class="tabstart '.$curr.'"></li>';
            $menu .= '<li class="tabmid '.$curr.'"><a href="'.get_page_link($menuitem->ID).'">';
    	$menu .= $menuitem->post_title;
    	$menu .= '</a></li>';
    	$menu .= '<li class="tabend '.$curr.'"></li>';
    	echo $menu;

    As you can see above there is a variable called $curr. This stands for “current” and there is a CSS class called current which changes the colour of the tab of the page you’re viewing. What I need to know is, is there a function or some kind of way of detecting which page the user is viewing in order to populate the $curr variable with the word “current” on the current page but remain empty for every other?

    I’m quite new to WordPress coding so any help is appreciated, thank you.


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  • I suggest you look at the wp_list_pages function, which does what you are trying to do, including adding a class for the current page.


    Thread Starter f00bar


    Thank you for the help! That does exactly what i want.

    However – my tab menu requires extra list items before and after each link to display a rounded corner. So, the set up for each link would be:

    <li class="tabstart"></li>
    <li class="page_item">Home</li>
    <li class="tabend"></li>

    As you see above, tabstart and tabend are classes which do not contain any items but are simply there to round off the tabs. wp_list_pages does not allow me to do this since it literally echos it to the page and won’t let me put it in my own foreach loop.

    Is there anything I can do to override this?

    Thank you

    <?php wp_list_pages('title_li='); ?>

    Thread Starter f00bar


    Thank you drmanry ?? Now I just need to figure out the other problem I listed above ??

    Take a look at this short tutorial:


    It is based on categories, but can easily be changed to pages instead.

    Thread Starter f00bar


    Thank you drmanry, that’s great!

    Can someone break out a line of code(or 2) that would simply tell me if I’m on the ‘blog’ page. My home page is static, but a link takes me to the blog page. The standard is_home() is not working.

    I need the following:

    <your cool code here>
    If on blog page, then set image var to ‘image.jpg.;

    not fancy, but I hope you understand.




    Hi Sanddlife,

    I was just looking for that too. Check out https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Conditional_Tags and scoll down to ‘A PAGE Page’…

    for example I’m using:

    <p <?php if (is_page("recruitment")) { ?> class="currentPage" <?php } ?> > Recruitment page link here </p>

    so that it only includes the text class=”currentPage” if the page is called recruitment. It’s all working good for me

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