• Resolved sasusan



    How I can direct my customers after purchase to Tutor LMS account page? Instead of Woocommerce account page. It’s confusing to customers to sign up and they don’t see courses right away.

    I found tutorial from online to add this code with plugin called Snippet. Although I have the code it doesn’t redirect on Tutor LMS account page.

    // snippet to redirect
    add_filter( 'woocommerce_login_redirect', 'custom_woocommerce_redirect_after_login', 9999, 2 );
    function custom_woocommerce_redirect_after_login( $redirect, $user ) {
            $redirect = '/dashboard'; // put your dashboard page here - without the http and domain
        return $redirect;

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support Md. Jobayer Al Mahmud


    Hello @sasusan,

    Please follow this step below:

    1. First you need to enable woocommerce order auto-complete process.
    2. Install this plugin https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/autocomplete-woocommerce-orders/ and see plugin instruction how to setup. This plugin will help you to enable woocommerce order auto-complete process.

    2. After that to redirect automatically to student profile enrolled course page after order complete, enable the Auto redirect option from Tutor LMS > Settings > Courses > Auto redirect option

    I hope you have understood the process.

    Kind Regards.

    Thread Starter sasusan


    Thanks that was little cool trick and works nicely, but not the one I wanted.
    When customers sign in through the link that they get on their email. Or any time after purchase later.. They have to use that link to sign up the course.

    Then when they sign up. First will appear Woocommerce account page instead of Tutor LMS. That’s a bit confusing.

    Or maybe I did something wrong in process that you guide me to do. After that process customer is redirected on the course after the order which is cool, but after they sign out. They will always see Woocommerce my account page.

    I hope you understand what I mean

    Kind regards

    Plugin Support Md. Jobayer Al Mahmud


    Hello @sasusan,

    Try to use this hook in your theme’s functions.php file:

    function tutor_redirect_after_logout(){
    	wp_redirect( 'https://www.google.com' );

    Kind Regards.

    Thread Starter sasusan


    Hey @jobayertuser

    Thank you very much Jobayer Al Mahmud Tuser. I got it! It works now ??

    Kind regards

    Plugin Support Md. Jobayer Al Mahmud


    Hello @sasusan,

    I am very glad to hear that your problem has been solved.

    ik heb hetzelfde probleem, de klant krijgt een email die linkt naar de account pagina van woo (heel verwarrend voor de klant)en ik wil graag dat ze naar de dashboard pagina gestuurd worden.

    nu heb ik bovenstaande geprobeerd maar dat werkt niet, ook heb ik de code van tutor dasboard in de account pagina gezet, zodat als de klant een email ontvangt met een link nu naar de dashboard paina gestuurd wordt, dit werkt maar half de dasboard pagina wordt niet goed weergegeven.

    nu ben ik op zoek naar een oplossing voor dit probleem waar ik maar niet uitkom, eigenlijk zou ik de de pagina link van het tutor dasboard pagina in de email willen hebben die de klant krijgt na aankoop van een cursus, maar hoe doe ik dat?

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