• Resolved Generosus


    Good Day,

    Please provide a code snippet that will disable MailPoet’s and MailPoet Pro’s language translation updates.

    Thank you!

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  • Plugin Support Thu P. a11n


    Hi there,

    Could you please elaborate your goals with disabling language translation updates? Also, could you share a screenshot of the issue so we can understand it better?

    I recommend https://snipboard.io/ for easily sharing screenshots – please follow the instructions on the page, then paste the URL in your reply. It works with Chrome, Firefox and Edge.

    Thread Starter Generosus


    Hi @thup90,

    Reason for our request:

    • We do not need nor use your plugin’s translations. We are a US-based site. If you believe we need the translations, please explain in detail.
    • Your plugin does not respect the filters provided below. Once applied, your plugin keeps telling us “New translations are available.

    add_filter( 'async_update_translation', '__return_false' );
    add_filter( 'auto_update_translation', '__return_false' );

    So, in short, kindly review our findings and provide a code snippet to disable your plugin’s translation updates.

    Thank you.

    Plugin Support Ojoma a11n


    Hello there @generosus,

    I can see on this thread: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/how-to-disable-translation-updates-using-code-snippet/ you mentioned you’ve been able to fix this with the other filter you provided.

    Can you confirm this so we can mark this thread as closed?

    Looking forward to hearing back from you.

    Thread Starter Generosus


    Hi @geraltrivia,

    Thanks for the follow up.

    We cannot confirm 100% that it works. Can you kindly consult your developers and reply to the following?

    1. The filters provided below DO NOT work for MailPoet. That is, your plugin’s code could be bypassing them.
      add_filter( 'async_update_translation', '__return_false' );
      add_filter( 'auto_update_translation', '__return_false' );
    2. Verify your plugin conflicts with the plugin, Use Client’s Time Zone. Once installed, your plugin persistently generates the message “New translations are available.” No other plugins (offering translation updates) do this, only yours. Once confirmed, please provide a fix.
    3. Verify the code snippet noted here provides a temporary solution to Item 2 above.
    4. For US-based sites, do we really need MailPoet’s translations? If so, what for?

    Thank you ??

    Plugin Support Hannah S.L.


    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    Hi there,

    I’ll be happy to check on these questions for you.

    The filters provided below DO NOT work for MailPoet. That is, your plugin’s code could be bypassing them.
    add_filter( 'async_update_translation', '__return_false' );
    add_filter( 'auto_update_translation', '__return_false' );

    So to confirm, you’re setting these filters but the MailPoet plugin is still updating translations? If not, could you please tell me a bit more about the behavior you’re seeing?

    Verify your plugin conflicts with the plugin,?Use Client’s Time Zone. Once installed, your plugin persistently generates the message “New translations are available.” No other plugins (offering translation updates) do this, only yours. Once confirmed, please provide a fix.

    The www.ads-software.com ecosystem is rich and diverse – conflicts will happen. We aren’t able to resolve each individual conflict. Your best option here would be to work with a developer if you’d like to use both of these plugins.

    For US-based sites, do we really need MailPoet’s translations? If so, what for?

    Translations will allow your site’s UI (i.e. WordPress functionality, plugins, etc) to be displayed in different languages. If you don’t need alternative languages, that’s fine and you don’t need them. However, many sites run with this functionality – why are you looking to remove it?

    Thread Starter Generosus


    Hi @fernashes,

    So to confirm, you’re setting these filters but the MailPoet plugin is still updating translations? If not, could you please tell me a bit more about the behavior you’re seeing?

    That is correct. Can you kindly perform your own tests to confirm?

    The www.ads-software.com ecosystem is rich and diverse – conflicts will happen. We aren’t able to resolve each individual conflict. Your best option here would be to work with a developer if you’d like to use both of these plugins.

    You are correct. We solved this on our own.

    Translations will allow your site’s UI (i.e. WordPress functionality, plugins, etc) to be displayed in different languages. If you don’t need alternative languages, that’s fine and you don’t need them. However, many sites run with this functionality – why are you looking to remove it?

    As stated before, we don’t need the translations. Please refer to the first part of this topic (i.e., translation filters not working with MailPoet). All other plugins we’re using respect the noted translation filters.

    Plugin Support Feten L. a11n


    Hi there!

    Thank you for your answer

    That is correct. Can you kindly perform your own tests to confirm?

    I was able to reproduce the issue when changing the WordPress Dashboard language from English to another language.

    Going back to English, and clicking on update, resolved the issue for me. I don’t see the prompt anymore.

    You are correct. We solved this on our own.

    Can you please confirm that the issue is solved?

    Thread Starter Generosus


    Confused. So, you did replicate our issue? (Item 1 above). If so, then a fix is needed.

    Plugin Support Ramona – a11n


    Hi there,

    I take a look at this, too, doing the following:

    1. Switched the WordPress language from English to German
    2. The translation update prompt showed up
    3. I clicked on update translations and they were downloaded

    The translation update happened https://d.pr/i/Z22sWl and the prompt disappeared. This is the correct behavior for sites that have multiple languages, or switch the language.

    I also tried installing Use Client’s Time Zone but it made no difference on my site. Updating the translations cleared up the notice with no problems, and without adding a new language, I didn’t get the translation update prompt again.

    What happens if you try to update the translations? Which plugins’ translations are updated?

    Thread Starter Generosus


    Issue solved. It appears one of your recent plugin updates fixed our issue. Thank you.

    Plugin Support Raif D. a11n


    Hi @generosus

    ssue solved. It appears one of your recent plugin updates fixed our issue. Thank you.

    Great! Thank you for coming back and confirming that the issue is resolved. If you need help with anything else please feel free to open a new thread!

    Have a great one!

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