• I’m using the latest version of wordpress but I want to upload an image to an actual size. I don’t want it to be auto resized to thumbnail.

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  • WordPress uploads images in full and creates a thumbnail of it. When you want to include an image in your post, you have the option of using the thumbnail or the full image. The option is in the same screen, you just have to select the right one.

    It would be best if you would have an option to create a thumbnail or not, because thumbnails creates redundancy when you’re not needing them. I guess that must be a simply procedure to add (easy for me to say without really looking at the code though).

    “It would be best if you would have an option to create a thumbnail or not, because thumbnails creates redundancy when you’re not needing them.”

    This doesn’t makes sense – you DO have the option.

    When you upload an image, you then click on the image in the image toolbar.

    Then you see a little menu pop up.

    The first line says “Using Thumbnail” – if you click on it, it then says “Using Original”.

    Keep clicking that first line until you decide which of the two options you wish to use. Make sure it SAYS the one you want to have… thumbnail or original.

    Click “Send to editor.”

    You will see either a thumbnail or the original size image in your text editor. Finish your post, and hit “publish” – this is all defaulted into WordPress, there’s no tweaking or additional plugins needed for this…

    Thread Starter tri-fusion


    either thumbnail or original when I click sendtoeditor it displays thumbnail ??

    @ ladydelaluna: my point is that WP will always create a thumbnail on the server. that choice you have is just for showing one of the versions on the page, but the file is already created. you might call it redundant when not needing those thumbnails.


    The thumbnails are created so that you can view it from within the control panel when you are creating a post. however if you are insistent that you don’t want it, you can comment out the section of code that creates it. It is founf in the ‘inline-uploading.php’ file under ‘wp-admin’. You’ll want to comment out lines 87 to 100. They look like the following:

    if ( $imagedata[‘width’] * $imagedata[‘height’] < 3 * 1024 * 1024 ) {
    if ( $imagedata[‘width’] > 128 && $imagedata[‘width’] >= $imagedata[‘height’] * 4 / 3 )
    $thumb = wp_create_thumbnail($file, 128);
    elseif ( $imagedata[‘height’] > 96 )
    $thumb = wp_create_thumbnail($file, 96);

    if ( @file_exists($thumb) ) {
    $newdata = $imagedata;
    $newdata[‘thumb’] = basename($thumb);
    update_post_meta($id, ‘_wp_attachment_metadata’, $newdata, $imagedata);
    } else {
    $error = $thumb;

    However I’m not sure if there are side effects to this so do it with caution.


    That is a weird problem that you have. Sound like there could be a javascript error when you are trying to insert an image. What type of browser and browser version are you using? Do you see any javascript errors on the browser status bar below?

    Thread Starter tri-fusion


    I just tested it on FF browser and it works fine except IE browser

    On the FF browser, it doesn’t show the heigh or width tags

    It dosen’t show height or width tags for me either so I think that is normal. Anyone else able to confirm?

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