• My site’s URL (web address) is: development state
    I have a wordpress (English Version) for a client – chinese newspaper website. I am located in Indonesia where the main language is not chinese.
    However I as their webmaster do not know chinese, so I pick the english version of wordpress.

    My Windows development system is in English

    1. How can I make the post date all displayed in Chinese?
    For example instead of Wednesday, 17 August 2011 the date should be 星期三, 2011 年 8 月 17 日 (this read Third Day of the Week, year 2011, month 8, day 17)

    2. I tried the php function set locale as follow in the header.php
    echo setlocale(LC_TIME, “chinese”);
    echo strftime(“%a, %Y %B %d”);
    the output was Chinese (Simplified)_People’s Republic of China.936?, 2011 ?? 17

    Or should I use the WordPress Chinese version ?

    Any idea?
    Thank you,

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