funny, I have three urls, yestarday only second worked so I got all wrong html from first and third, today the second is broken and first and third is fine.
I use fetch_rss() to display the content
my urls:
Also which I am totally confused that on my locally machine all is fine, Doesn’t work only on the server which is gentoo, I do updates recently. I found the link ( ) which says that php and wrong libxml2 version can cause the problem, but today I went to correct versions PHP 5.2.9 and libxml2 2.7.3 and still one of the rss doesn’t work.
I paste part of the wrong html below, and all you can see here:
tabletrtd style=”padding: 0 5px”a href=”″img width=”150px” style=”border:1px solid #5C7FB9″ src=”” alt=”2009-03-24 20-00-11_0034.jpg”//a/tdtd valign=”top”font color=”#6B6B6B”Data: /fontfont color=”#333333″24-03-2009 12:00/fontbr/font color=\”#6B6B6B\”Liczba komentarzy do zdj?cia:/fontfont color=\”#333333\”0/fontbr/pa href=”″font color=”#3964C2″Wy?wietl zdj?cie/font/a/p/td/tr/tabletabletrtd style=”padding: 0 5px”a href=”″img width=”150px” style=”border:1px solid #5C7FB9″ src=”” alt=”2009-02-12 14-22-54_0010.jpg”//a/tdtd valign=”top”font color=”#6B6B6B”Data: /fontfont color=”#333333″12-02-2009 05:22/fontbr/font color=\”#6B6B6B\”Liczba komentarzy do zdj?cia:/fontfont color=\”#333333\”0/fontbr/pa href=”″font color=”#3964C2″Wy?wietl zdj?cie/font/a/p/td/tr/tabletabletrtd style=”padding: 0 5px”a href=”″img width=”150px” style=”border:1px solid #5C7FB9″ src=”” alt=”IMG_0982.JPG”//a/tdtd valign=”top”font color=”#6B6B6B”Data: /fontfont color=”#333333″16-01-2009 11:48/fontbr/font color=\”#6B6B6B\”Liczba komentarzy do zdj?cia:/fontfont color=\”#333333\”0/fontbr/pa href=”″font color=”#3964C2″Wy?wietl zdj?cie/font/a/p/td/tr/table