• I installed Postalicious plugin for my blog. It separates the links and descriptions with ul,li,a tags. My problem is, that these html elements does not display at default wordpress RSS feed, so my feed looks messy, because links are not clickable, and lines are not separated .

    The question is: how can I modify the feed to show html tags, is there a plugin for this?

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  • Did anyone have an answer for this? I have links in my post body but these are just plain, unclickable text in the RSS feed.



    I also have a very similar concern. I have images in my posts, and those are not displaying in my RSS feeds… how can I get the images to display in the feeds? They would need to have HTML markup for the <img> tag…

    same problem here…. no solutions for that?



    Any movement or ideas on this? Any thoughts on how to either include markup and/or img tags in the RSS feed?

    Hello, same problem here. Any solution or tip?

    Thanks in advanced.

    same happen to me, no html tags in feeds

    yesterday was working fine, today I installed curl for php then I realized that feeds are broken so I removed curl but problem still appears.

    What is your URL?

    funny, I have three urls, yestarday only second worked so I got all wrong html from first and third, today the second is broken and first and third is fine.

    I use fetch_rss() to display the content

    my urls:



    Also which I am totally confused that on my locally machine all is fine, Doesn’t work only on the server which is gentoo, I do updates recently. I found the link ( https://josephscott.org/code/wordpress/plugin-libxml2-fix/ ) which says that php and wrong libxml2 version can cause the problem, but today I went to correct versions PHP 5.2.9 and libxml2 2.7.3 and still one of the rss doesn’t work.

    I paste part of the wrong html below, and all you can see here:

    tabletrtd style=”padding: 0 5px”a href=”https://picasaweb.google.pl/adamqczys/MARYSIA#5316835016990262674″img width=”150px” style=”border:1px solid #5C7FB9″ src=”https://lh5.ggpht.com/_n7LyMIU93fo/SckxRzUQBZI/AAAAAAAADpo/3CQZpbcRusA/s288/2009-03-24%2020-00-11_0034.jpg” alt=”2009-03-24 20-00-11_0034.jpg”//a/tdtd valign=”top”font color=”#6B6B6B”Data: /fontfont color=”#333333″24-03-2009 12:00/fontbr/font color=\”#6B6B6B\”Liczba komentarzy do zdj?cia:/fontfont color=\”#333333\”0/fontbr/pa href=”https://picasaweb.google.pl/adamqczys/MARYSIA#5316835016990262674″font color=”#3964C2″Wy?wietl zdj?cie/font/a/p/td/tr/tabletabletrtd style=”padding: 0 5px”a href=”https://picasaweb.google.pl/adamqczys/MARYSIA#5301902658603157378″img width=”150px” style=”border:1px solid #5C7FB9″ src=”https://lh6.ggpht.com/_n7LyMIU93fo/SZQkYJe9h4I/AAAAAAAACIw/FiCyWaxdCA4/s288/2009-02-12%2014-22-54_0010.jpg” alt=”2009-02-12 14-22-54_0010.jpg”//a/tdtd valign=”top”font color=”#6B6B6B”Data: /fontfont color=”#333333″12-02-2009 05:22/fontbr/font color=\”#6B6B6B\”Liczba komentarzy do zdj?cia:/fontfont color=\”#333333\”0/fontbr/pa href=”https://picasaweb.google.pl/adamqczys/MARYSIA#5301902658603157378″font color=”#3964C2″Wy?wietl zdj?cie/font/a/p/td/tr/tabletabletrtd style=”padding: 0 5px”a href=”https://picasaweb.google.pl/adamqczys/MARYSIA#5292658790493753330″img width=”150px” style=”border:1px solid #5C7FB9″ src=”https://lh6.ggpht.com/_n7LyMIU93fo/SXNNINS6j_I/AAAAAAAABT4/MLCKMgl27b0/s288/IMG_0982.JPG” alt=”IMG_0982.JPG”//a/tdtd valign=”top”font color=”#6B6B6B”Data: /fontfont color=”#333333″16-01-2009 11:48/fontbr/font color=\”#6B6B6B\”Liczba komentarzy do zdj?cia:/fontfont color=\”#333333\”0/fontbr/pa href=”https://picasaweb.google.pl/adamqczys/MARYSIA#5292658790493753330″font color=”#3964C2″Wy?wietl zdj?cie/font/a/p/td/tr/table

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