• Resolved wordmax


    We are using inventory control. We want to show available quantity anywhere we like using shortcode. Sure, we can see available quantity on the payment popup BUT that does no good for promoting items that are almost sold out. Why? Because users have no idea that item may be selling out unless they click on the BUY button to pay. At this point, they are already going to pay anyway. So what’s the point of showing the remaining quantity in the pop-up window?

    Marketing basics 101 is “create a sense of urgency” or FOMO “fear of missing out”…. you see it all the time because it works.

    This is why we need to be able to show remaining quantity of an item using shortcode! Let us know how to do this please. Thanks!

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  • Plugin Support mbrsolution


    Hi, unfortunately at present we don’t have a shortcode that will display the amount of products remaining.

    Kind regards.

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