• Is there a way to display specific product reviews on specific pages? I have pages within the site that describes more about the products and their related news before taking customers to the actual product pages. They are like category pages that list multiple products. I want to have the selected product reviews displayed on those pages. Has anyone tried doing something similar?


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  • Try making this shortcode using the following code in functions.php for your childe theme:

    // show reviews for product shortcode
    // usage: [show_reviews product_id="1234"]
    add_shortcode('show_reviews', 'show_reviews');
    function show_reviews($attributes) {
      $a = shortcode_atts( array('product_id' => 'product_id'), $attributes );
      $product_id = $a[product_id];
      if (!$product_id) return;
      $args = array ('post_id' => $product_id);
      $comments = get_comments( $args );
      wp_list_comments( array( 'callback' => 'woocommerce_comments' ), $comments);
    } // end function



    @lorro Is there a way to modify your above code so that I can specify only the last 3 reviews to show instead of getting all of them?

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