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  • Plugin Author TobiasBg



    all numbers that shall be used in formulas must be written as “100000”, so without any thousand separators, like the comma.


    Thanks Tobias. All is working.

    Plugin Author TobiasBg



    great! That’s good to hear! ??

    Best wishes,


    I am just getting started and evaluating if TablePress will work for me. I have found your function capability very helpful. Can I reference data in another table in my formula?

    As an example:

    =[TableA A1] + [TableB A1]

    Do you have any ability to look across tables when calculating a field’s value?

    Plugin Author TobiasBg



    thanks for your post!

    Referencing data from other tables is tricky, and there’s only rough support for this with an extra Extension. One user played around with this a little bit. For details, please see

    The better approach for such cases should however be to maintain the tables in Excel and export the (calculated) tables to CSV and import those into TablePress.


    Hello Tobias,
    are above mentioned math formulas available with table filter (e.g. with this shortcode [table id=1 filter=”user1″ /])? I am not able somehow to do sum of collum for “user1”.

    Sincerely S.

    Plugin Author TobiasBg



    thanks for your question, and sorry for the late answer. As I was on vacation, I didn’t have a chance to reply earlier.

    With such a Shortcode, the filtering would be done first, and then the formulas would be evaluated. However, as the number of rows then is different, the formula might be using the wrong number.
    Do you get any error messages when trying this? Can you show or more detailed example and table?



    I am trying to calculate time elapsed. The formula below is what Excel requires for it to work. Any suggestions?

    Cell A1 = 10/1/13 8:30 AM
    Cell B1 = 10/1/13 9:00 PM
    Formula Cell = “TEXT(B1-A1,”h:mm”)”


    Plugin Author TobiasBg



    thanks for your question, and sorry for the trouble.

    Unfortunately, I have to disappoint you here ?? The math functionality in TablePress does not support date or time formats at the moment. It’s just not as sophisticated as Excel here ?? Sorry.

    I can only suggest that you edit this table in Excel and then import the resulting table into TablePress.


    Sorry If you have answered this before.

    Is there a way for one of the columns to have the formula automatically added as rows are adding?

    I simply want to add two values in the same row everytime. It looks like I have to manually create the formula each time a row is added.

    Please advise…


    Plugin Author TobiasBg



    thanks for your question, and sorry for the trouble.

    Yes, you’ll have to add the formulas manually or by copy/paste.
    TablePress can not add data to a table automatically like this. Sorry.


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