• Hi all:

    Can someone please tell me how to eliminate the post information such as: Post date, Author, Found in category. I am using ver. 2.9.1 with BuddyPress and New Magazine Theme 640. The “Blog Mode Show author/date byline under title” in News Magazine Theme is selected to “OFF” but post info still shows. I have searched all over but cannot find any other option to turn post information to off.

    Your help is appreciated.

    Thank you very much.


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  • You would need to edit your theme’s template files and remove reference to the_date()/the_time(), the_author() and the_category().

    There’s no option to turn it off, it’s part of the templates.

    You’ll have to edit from the theme. Remove functions like the_date, the_author, etc.

    Thread Starter zante7007


    hi esmi and thank you for the reply. i was wondering if you could direct me to the theme template files that contain reference to the_date()/the_time(), the_author() and the_category().

    the only similar reference, i found in template/index.php indicating (on). i changed to (off) to no avail. below is the index.php reference:

    line93 <?php if(get_option($themeoptionsprefix.’_showhideauthordatebyline’) == ‘off’){ ?>

    <div class=”bylineexcerpt”>

    line 185: <?php if(get_option($themeoptionsprefix.’_showhideauthordatebyline’) == ‘off’){ ?>

    <div class=”bylinefulltext”>

    further, it appears that the post info shows on the “Related Topics” i was wondering if you have any suggestions how to look into the “Related Topics” configuration.

    i am novice at this so please any specifics would be appreciated.

    thank you very much.


    You need to look in your current theme’s folder – either using FTP to access wp-content/themes/theme_name or using Admin/Appearance/Editor.

    Thread Starter zante7007


    hi esmi:

    i hope i am not confusing you. i am using dream weaver as my editor however i am not sure what files i should be looking for to make those changes (edits. would it be in (functions.php) file or (index.php)or??? this where i would appreciate your expertise.

    thanks so very much.

    Thread Starter zante7007


    hi esmi:

    in template/theme/newsmagazine/functions.php the array below refers to the post info. is this what i am looking for? if so, is there a way to comment this out or do i need to delete it? thanks again.

    array(“optionname” => “$o81”,

    “optiondescription” => “<p>$o82</p>”,

    “optionid” => $themeoptionsprefix.”_showhideauthordatebyline”,

    “selectoptiondef” => “$sop:”,

    “optiontype” => “select”,

    “options” => $onoffops),

    single.php is the template for viewing a single blog post
    page.php is the template for viewing a single page
    index.php is the template for the front page
    ..etc etc etc

    It depends on where the page info is being shown which files need to be edited.

    Thread Starter zante7007


    hi annedorko:

    thank you very much for the info. i found it! in single.php line 23,25, 27. deleted it but now it give me error when edit/update article. see below:

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/content/a/d/a/adanb/html/wordpress/wp-content/themes/news-magazine-theme-640/functions.php:1877) in /home/content/a/d/a/adanb/html/wordpress/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 868

    will work on it and see how far i get. otherwise will re-install “news magazine theme” and start from scratch.

    all the best.

    Hi zante7007,

    I just tried removing the date and it worked, heres what to do. Remove the line in single.php that is above this one that says date and time <?php _e(“Author”,’NewsMagazineTheme640′);?>: <?php the_author(); ?>
    I have already removed it from mine so I don’t have the line of code. Make sure you get the hole line. If you use the cut feature you can always paste it back in if it doesn’t work for you.

    Good luck

    David500, it works well! Thanks.

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