• Resolved fmueller


    I’ve recently created a new site at https://www.ohiocichlid.com, and would like to allow people to leave comments. If I check under ‘manage pages’, I can see that ‘allow comments’ is ticked on each and every page, but still there is no option to leave comments. What am I doing wrong? I thought comments were enabled by default?

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  • OK, I thought I had it but evidentally not. Where is the Single.php and the page.php located? How do I get to them? So I go to single.php, find the “code” comments_template call? copy and paste it? How about if you copy and paste it here so I will know what to look for.

    Does it matter what line I paste in on within the page.php? Before or after????????????????

    Sorry, I am very new and you can consider me a greenie. But I have learning potential. LOL


    Hi uncdon

    Simply browse to directory where the theme files are installed. The directory must be somewhere on your own sever(computer) or the web hosting company your using. In my case the directory was:
    (nenoglow was the name of the theme I am using). In the same directory was and single.php. Anyway I just opened page.php and added the code:

    <?php comments_template(); ?> in it (within the body of the page just before the closing body tag). It works now but unfortunately the comments appear on the right site in my blog:
    https://chottomatte.net/blog/nishinomiya-gardens/ and i wanted them to be below the main text/pictures fragment.
    Anyway if I found how to fix this bug I will repost



    Excellent solution! Works like a charm. Thanks Samboll!

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