There’s no way to end an active incident; they will expire after a certain period (by default, after 48 hours). An admin can configure how long that timeframe is from the Buoy settings screen. See the Configuring Buoy documentation here.
As for the maps not working, there are a number of things that could cause that. The most common problem is that your device simply doesn’t have Location services enabled. Turning your Location services off in your device is a good idea, generally, because it prevents apps from gathering information about your movements. However, if you want to tell an app (or a web app, like Buoy) where you are, you need to enable Location services.
Another common reason why the maps might not work is if your Buoy does not use a secured connection. Browsers do not allow access to the Geolocation API for websites that are served over the unsecured HTTP instead of the secured HTTPS scheme, so if your Buoy is on a website available only over HTTP and not HTTPS (i.e., there is no lock icon in your browser address bar), then the mapping functionality will not work.
There are a few other reasons why mapping might fail, but these are the most common.
As for video, sadly the video provider we were integrating with (Jitsi Meet), recently changed APIs on their end, and we don’t have the people-power to stay ahead of these changes, so that integration broke down. There is a ticket for this issue in our issue tracker.
Also, as an aside, if you continue to run into trouble and want to chat with someone who may be available to help closer to real-time, you are welcome to hop into the Buoy chat room here, where a bunch of the developers and core contributors hang out. ??