Hi @arthurduflos,
Thanks for the reminder. I’ve actually been helping someone with a similar question just yesterday. I made a custom hook that accepts a set of filter arguments that can be applied by appending something like ?subset=groupA
Here is a link to that issue. Do you think you can work with that for now?
It contains a link to a github gist / snippet that implements that functionality. The code is pretty self explanatory, al be it with lots of typo’s ??
I have added this feature to the issue list so I’ll pick it up sooner. If you have any suggestions as to the working of the filtering, I’d love some feedback on it: https://github.com/doekenorg/gf-entries-in-excel/issues/49
I don’t want to give any timeframe as to when this is finished. Could be a week, could be a month. I’m currently on paternaty leave / holiday @ home. I expect to have some time to build that feature, but I just can’t make any promises. I hope you understand.
If this doesn’t work for you for now, please let me know. I’ll see if I can make some time to do a custom hook.