• Resolved maniuni



    I am making my first theme with WordPress and installed Theme Check plugin to search for any errors in the code. I can’t see where these errors are listed though… I have successfully installed the plugin and I doubt that there are no errors ??

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  • Navigate to Appearance -> Theme Check and try running the plugin on your chosen theme.

    Thread Starter maniuni



    Usually i found out any error in error log in apache !

    My site was installed about a week ago and i am first time wordpress user. The site is running slower and slower. editing and updating then preview is starting to take longer. It takes a long time to load on all browsers and iPhone. I have read some posts of others with same problem. i do not understand the languaging used such as how to edit php files. The theme check showed quite a few errors. I have un installed plug-ins that were installed around the time i noticed problem. just to see if that was problem. Delete cache but as stated i do not understand back end coding. I am use to using rapid weaver.

    site addy
    Any help much appreciated.

    Site address not in last post: https://nitrokick.net

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