• Resolved mirgcire


    I have tried web searches and codex, but all I have learned is that it takes a second parameter $args, but no description of the options available. Specifically I am hoping to find an parameter that tells it to tolerate html errors.


    I am porting a a wiki site (that I created) into wordpress. There are a lot of pages that I need to port so I created a metabox tool to help me do this. Basically, the tool is pulling the html from a wiki page and pushing it into a wordpress page. It works great on most of the pages, but on 2 of the pages, it encounters an error.

    When it encounters the error, it just stops, no error message. But I am using the Chrome browser, so I opened the console window and found this error message. “Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token <“

    To investigate the error I used “view page source” on two pages, one that encounters the error and one that does not. I put both sources into an html editor to see if that would reveal the problem. Both pages have the same error.

    So now I am hoping there is some way to have wp_remote_get tolerate the error.

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  • Hi !

    I find this page in the codex


    But maybe it will not help you to solve the error …

    Thread Starter mirgcire


    @franky57: I think you are right about https://codex.www.ads-software.com/HTTP_API. It seems to have all the options for $arg. Unfortunately none of those will help with my problem. The other two links are similar but unrelated. Thanks for the help!

    could it be a special character breaking the page import? Maybe you could use php’s htmlspecialchars to clean the page before you run wp_remote_get.

    Moderator bcworkz


    There’s nothing in wp_remote_get() arguments that do what you want. For the record, here are the defaults:

    	'method' => 'GET',
    	'timeout' => apply_filters( 'http_request_timeout', 5),
    	'redirection' => apply_filters( 'http_request_redirection_count', 5),
    	'httpversion' => apply_filters( 'http_request_version', '1.0'),
    	'user-agent' => apply_filters( 'http_headers_useragent', 'WordPress/' . $wp_version . '; ' . get_bloginfo( 'url' ) ),
    	'reject_unsafe_urls' => apply_filters( 'http_request_reject_unsafe_urls', false ),
    	'blocking' => true,
    	'headers' => array(),
    	'cookies' => array(),
    	'body' => null,
    	'compress' => false,
    	'decompress' => true,
    	'sslverify' => true,
    	'stream' => false,
    	'filename' => null,
    	'limit_response_size' => null,

    I don’t think this function is generating the error you are seeing, it is a stream transport, it doesn’t care about syntax within the stream AFAIK. You could try one of the filters on kses.php like wp_kses_split() and see if the error can be resolved before it reaches whatever is actually catching the error.

    Thread Starter mirgcire


    Thanks for all the suggestions. It turns out I was barking up the wrong try. The error message was coming from a jquery script that happens long (in computer time) after the html is read from the wiki.

    It turns out the JSON object that I was returning had an error message in it. I don’t understand why it was complaining about a “<” character, because there no characters like this in the error message. But once the error message was filtered out, the syntax error disappeared.

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