I don’t want to “hijack” anyones thread here but I am also looking to find my WSID.
It’s very frustrating when trying to find answers and your questioned why. I understand that people are wanting to help by asking additional questions but when the person is asking the question, they are asking for a reason. I see here “harshkumar” still did not get the answer to his or her question.
Can anyone tell us where the WSID is?
I know this is ran by volunteers and your time is appreciated. I volunteered days in my life – matter infact years. I still treated the job as I got paid. I mention this because I saw on thread someone get yelled at that is was ran by volunteers and the person should hire an IT and the person was asking a general question.
Can anyone tell us where the WSID for infolinks is?
Please note: I am aware of the codes etc. I just need to know the WSID is also. I wold start my own thread but I can’t for two reasons:
1. I am needing the same answer
2. I don’t know where to start a thread.