• As many of you know there is a error with Media Uploads. Here is a simple fix:

    1. Go to /your_wp_dir/wp-content/plugins/elegance-modal-box/ and open elegance-modal-admin.php.
    2. Change all <?= to <?php echo AND all <? to <?php.
    3. Save file and close.
    4. Open elegance-modal.php.
    5. Find function em_admin_scripts( $hook_suffix ) { near line 25.
    6. Add after:

    if($hook_suffix !== 'toplevel_page_elegance-modal'){
    	return false;

    PS. As I look into Elegance Modal Box’s code I can see that it is really poorly written. Will try to write something on my own.


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  • Perfect. Thank you



    Hello Simivar,

    This worked like a charm! Thank you so much for the bug fix to fix the media uploads error.

    Do you think the fix will be adapted in the next plugin software update release?


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