• I have installed qTranslate and meta slider in my wordpress site and i am glad that meta slider supported the Hebrew Language. I created two slider since they have different photos and description and the way it slide.
    For english it slide my right to left and hebrew it slide from left to right. Now, how can i change the code to read that if it is english it will slide to that and if hebrew slide to this.

    I have heard using this code:
    <!–:en–> <!–:–>
    <!–:he–> <!–:–>
    But i am puzzled on how to implement that, i still need to put _() to read my code as string. And my meta slider php code function provided me like this.

    echo do_shortcode(“[metaslider id=3277]”);

    where do i put this code now?
    <!–:en–> <!–:–>
    <!–:he–> <!–:–>
    Please help.. thanks


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