Hi @nobuhlesibusiso
Thank you for response!
I think there’s been some confusion in this case, on both sides, so I’m sorry for it and let’s make sure first that we are on the same side.
You are referring to “Order confirmation number” but there’s no such number/feature available in Forminator (it’s not really an “e-store” even though it handles payments). The number that you are most likely using is a “submission_id” which is an automatically generated number for each and every form submission, directly in the DB.
I believe that’s what you have in your form’s e-mail Subject line:
Order Confirmation #{submission_id} for {form_name}
and that is what you mean by “Order Confirmation ID”. This is the number that is always at 0 in your e-mail notifications, right?
It shouldn’t be like that and the form that you shared in your other ticket works fine (sending correct number) when I’m testing it on my own test setup.
It suggests some kind of either “undiscovered yet” bug or a conflict or that we are missing something specific ot the site here. Therefore, can you please:
– temporarily remove PayPal field form the form and check if the number is correct then after form submission?
– tell me if you have added any custom code related to Forminator to the site whatsoever (e.g. suggested by us in some other ticket)?
– did you apply the change in DB that was suggested by my colleague already? (If not, please do not do it for now!)
– could you try re-installing Forminator on site?
As for the last point, please do it this way:
– go to “Formiantor -> Settings -> Data” page and make sure that “uninstallation” option is set to “Preserve” then save settings
– go to “Plugins -> All plugins” page and disable and then delete Forminator
– then re-install it (it would pick-up all the settings and forms)
Kind regards,