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  • Thread Starter Andrea Veglia


    I solved it with the following code:

    I went in: /wp-content/plugin/asgaros-forum/includes/forum-content.php

    At line 286 there is the code for inserting, in database, the replies (POST). So, I add the following code in PHP. Send an email for each entry of a new post.

    The section ” //Inserts a new post. ” became –>

    // Inserts a new post.
        public function insert_post($topic_id, $forum_id, $text, $author_id = false, $uploads = array()) {
            // Set the author ID.
            if (!$author_id) {
                $author_id = $this->asgarosforum->permissions->currentUserID;
            // Get the current time.
            $date = $this->asgarosforum->current_time();
            // Insert the post.
            $this->asgarosforum->db->insert($this->asgarosforum->tables->posts, array('text' => $text, 'parent_id' => $topic_id, 'forum_id' => $forum_id, 'date' => $date, 'author_id' => $author_id, 'uploads' => maybe_serialize($uploads)), array('%s', '%d', '%d', '%s', '%d', '%s'));
            // Return the ID of the inserted post.
            $post_id = $this->asgarosforum->db->insert_id;
            // Var email send - CUSTOM
            $site_url = get_home_url();
            $user_info = get_userdata($author_id);
            $user_info_name= $user_info->user_login;
            $user_slug = $user_info->user_nicename;
            $user_info_link = $site_url.'/forum/profile/'.$user_slug;
            $post_id = $this->asgarosforum->db->insert_id;
            $link_url = $site_url.'/forum/topic/'.$topic_id.'/?highlight_post='.$post_id.'#postid-'.$post_id; 
            $body = "<h2> New replies </h2>
                     <p> <strong> Author </strong> <a href='$user_info_link'>$user_info_name</a>; </p>
                     <p> <strong> Text: </strong> $text;
                     <p> <strong> Date: </strong> $date;
                     <h4> Link: </h4>
                     <p> <a href='$link_url'>$link_url</a></p>";
            $headers = array('Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8');
            // Send email - CUSTOM
            return wp_mail( "INSERT_YOUR_EMAIL", "YOUR_SUBJECT_HERE", $body, $headers );

    “INSERT_YOUR_EMAIL” –> you have to insert your email;
    “YOUR_SUBJECT_HERE” –> you have to insert the subject of email;

    The code will work only if you have set the name of the forum page as “forum” (and permalink “forum”).

    Plugin Author Asgaros


    Hello @andrea0veglia

    There is also an easier solution for this.

    Activate the “Enable subscriptions” option in the settings. In the forum front-end go to the subscription-area and select “New posts & topics”. In this case you will get notified about every new topic and post in your forum.

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