• Resolved Xaib Aslam


    Hello i have created a CPT with name of names then i create taxonomy with name of christian_boy_names hierarchical is False.

    So now i open any value taxonomy, it will open a page with link https://mydomain.com/names/christian/boy/michael

    So i want show this kind of thing on Michael page.

    Siblings of that name (10 names)
    Similar of that name (10 names)
    Starting names with M (10 names)

    Can you help me to give me an example code.


    • This topic was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by Xaib Aslam.
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  • Plugin Contributor Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    First up, if I’m reading things correctly, you’re mixing post type slugs and taxonomy and term information into a single permalink.

    Based on that permalink alone, i’d assume that “christian” is a grandparent post, followed by “boy” being a child post but also a parent post to “michael”.

    Is that what you’re aiming for, and is that working in some capacity where it’s showing **something** that isn’t a 404?

    To get the siblings, I assume you’d need to somehow have a parent/child relationship with whatever “boy” and “michael” are supposed to be, which based on your message, is a non-hierarchical taxonomy. Hierarchical taxonomies can have parent/child relationships.

    You’re going to need to figure out a way to discern “similar to that name” as I don’t have a great answer for how to approach that one.

    For the 3rd item, you’d need to do a query for all of the names available in the taxonomy, and check/compare the first letters. I don’t have any handy custom code done up for that, but I know it’s possible as a whole.

    Thread Starter Xaib Aslam


    Hello thanks for the reply. Ok let me clear that there is no parent or child category. I just rewrite the permalink in your plugin. At the backend there is taxonomy-christian_boy_names.php file to show data. The url is just for looking good for user and google.

    I do lots of search regarding similar and starting with alphabet but cant find answer.

    I have no coding idea, i just to 1000 of experiment on some created code.

    If you make a pure php code and get data directly from database. Because i have custom table in wordpress database.

    Table: wp_names_christian
    Column: name_english

    Plugin Contributor Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    This is going fall largely on you as I don’t have any clue of how any sibling relations have been established, if any.

    Much like yesterday, the “similar” set would still be needing determined how to distinguish.

    The starting with version could be done with something like https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11334674/how-do-i-select-rows-where-a-column-value-starts-with-a-certain-string

    You have the $wpdb class available to you for MySQL work https://developer.www.ads-software.com/reference/classes/wpdb/

    Thread Starter Xaib Aslam


    let’s forget about siblings, what about other

    Similar to that name (10 names)
    Starting names with M (10 names)

    This is the code.

    global $wpdb;
    $name = get_query_var('christian_girl_name');
    $sql = $wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM wp_names_christian WHERE name_english=%s;", $name );
    $row = $wpdb->get_row( $sql );
    Plugin Contributor Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    Same answers as I said above. You’re going to need to figure these parts out yourself, as they’re not related directly to what CPTUI does.

    We handle the registration of the content types, but we have zero say in how the content in the content types are used.

    Does the code above produce the results you’re looking for?

    Thread Starter Xaib Aslam


    actually above code produced the result but I need this kind of code. it will be easy to do experiments.

    <?php $taxonomies = get_terms( array('taxonomy' => 'christian_girl_name', 'hide_empty' => false, 'order' => 'ASC', 'name__like' => 'i','number' => 16) );foreach ($taxonomies as $term) { ?>
          <a href="https://mydomain.com/name/christian/girl/name-meaning-in-english/<?php echo strtolower ($term->name); ?>/"><?php echo $term->name ?></a>
    <?php } ?>
    Plugin Contributor Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    Part of the problem with that approach is going to be that you said you created a custom table for these names.

    Thread Starter Xaib Aslam


    But we can do that thing with Custom taxonomy as this code is showing some values, so I am still searching for tricks but cant find them. Hoping that you guys are coders and you know better than me.

    <?php $taxonomies = get_terms( array('taxonomy' => 'christian_girl_name', 'hide_empty' => false, 'order' => 'ASC', 'name__like' => 'i','number' => 16) );foreach ($taxonomies as $term) { ?>
          <a href="https://mydomain.com/name/christian/girl/name-meaning-in-english/<?php echo strtolower ($term->name); ?>/"><?php echo $term->name ?></a>
    <?php } ?>
    Thread Starter Xaib Aslam


    Would you mind confirming one more thing?

    That I create a custom post type names then I create custom taxonomies


    So I create these templates for that taxonomies


    Now I am going to make more taxonomies under CPT names


    Is it possible to make 1 template for all for only specific CPT names like this?

    taxonomy-names_meaning and put code inside and use IF ELSE conditions.

    If yes can you help me with that?

    Plugin Contributor Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    Closest I can think for that is hooking into the template_include hook from WordPress core and checking what’s being queried for and loading a given template based on your items above.


    Thread Starter Xaib Aslam


    Can you help me with that, I am trying to show multiple divs.

    this is what I am doing.

    <?php if ( is_tax('christian_boy_name') ) {?>
    <div>hello boys</div>
    <?php } ?>
    <?php if ( is_tax('christian_girl_name') ) {?>
    <div>hello girls</div>
    <?php } ?>
    <?php if ( is_tax('christian_boy_name') || ('christian_girl_name') ) {?>
    <td><?php echo $row->name_english ?></td>
    <?php } ?>
    <?php if ( is_tax( 'christian_alphabets' ) ) {?>
    <div>A B C D</DIV>
    <?php } ?>

    Ok above if conditions are working. but when I open the link for the alphabet, it shows me the table part as well. what I am doing wrong?

    Do you have a better solution for this…

    I think problem is with this statment…
    <?php if ( is_tax('christian_boy_name') || ('christian_girl_name') ) {?>

    Plugin Contributor Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    with that if statement portion, if it’s true that the current request is either a taxonomy archive of “christian_boy_name” OR “christian_girl_name” then show whatever’s inside the if statement. Is that what you want? or does it still need to be separated a bit before showing a table? Or do you need it to not show for both of those, and perhaps be on a different request before the table is displayed?

    Thread Starter Xaib Aslam


    what if I want to add both taxonomies in 1 if statement, means like this.. because this statement is not working.

    <?php if ( is_tax('christian_boy_name') || ('christian_girl_name') ) {?>

    Plugin Contributor Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    not working in what way though? if either are true, then it’s going to show the table, which sounds like what you don’t want. Are you sure you don’t want

    if ( ! is_tax('christian_boy_name') || ! is_tax('christian_girl_name') ) {

    Where the if statement would only evaluate to true if one or the other is not true? Or if you only want to show the table on requests that are neither of those, then you’d want

    if ( ! is_tax('christian_boy_name') && ! is_tax('christian_girl_name') ) {

    which is basically “if not boy taxonomy and not girl taxonomy, show the table.”

    Thread Starter Xaib Aslam


    I try both statements but it’s not working. when I use this statment <?php if ( is_tax('christian_girl_name') ) {?>, it works fine.

    so I want that if this custom taxonomy links open then show this div and I want to show this div on multiple taxonomies.

    Ok i got it… i figured out…

    <?php if ( is_tax('christian_boy_name') || is_tax('christian_girl_name') ) { ?>

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by Xaib Aslam.
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