• When I insert an Amazon ad into a post, whether at the bottom or in the middle of text, there are several inches of blank space after the ad before anything else appears. I’m guessing there’s an html code I can include to avoid this. Can anyone help me?

    Here’s an example. https://blissfulmiss.com/develop-good-habits/ Scroll to the bottom to see the ad. The “share this”, comment area, etc are way past the ad.

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  • You seem to be adding this with your ad:
    <div class=”fluid-width-video-wrapper” style=”padding-top: 200%;”>

    That’s giving you all that space at the bottom. Try reducing the padding to something like 5%.

    Thread Starter Jennifer Suchey


    Thanks for your reply.

    All I do is copy and paste the code Amazon gives me. It doesn’t have the code you listed in it.

    This is what is pasted on that page I gave you a link to.

    <iframe src=”https://rcm.amazon.com/e/cm?t=wwwjennifersu-20&o=1&p=8&l=as1&asins=B0092XNAF8&IS1=1&ref=qf_sp_asin_til&fc1=000000&lt1=_blank&m=amazon&lc1=3B7827&bc1=000000&bg1=FFFFFF&npa=1&f=ifr&#8221; style=”width:120px;height:240px;” scrolling=”no” marginwidth=”0″ marginheight=”0″ frameborder=”0″></iframe>

    Are you pasting that using the TEXT editor and not switching to Visual (you shouldn’t) before updating?

    Thread Starter Jennifer Suchey


    Yes, I’m pasting in the text editor and not switching back to visual after.

    Andrew asked if I wrap it in <div>. How exactly do I do that?

    Thread Starter Jennifer Suchey


    Okay, I tried adding <div> before the code and </div> after. Is that how you wrap it? If so, it didn’t work.

    See this is what’s weird – the div it’s contained in looks like this:

    <div class="fluid-width-video-wrapper" style="padding-top: 200%;">

    Does that have anything to do with video?

    Thread Starter Jennifer Suchey


    I’m confused. Are you saying you’re seeing that code in my ad code? Cause I don’t see it. If not, I don’t know what you’re referring to.

    I don’t have any videos on my site.

    Yes, that code is on your page – let’s see if we can start fresh on this – can you create a brand new post and go through what you are doing to add that code?

    I just pasted that code on a test site and nothing like that happened and no big margins.

    Thread Starter Jennifer Suchey


    First of all, I really appreciate you trying to help me, so thank you.

    I did as you said. I created a new post. Here are the steps took:

    – Add new post

    – So this wouldn’t get published to my subscribers, I put it in private mode with password: test

    – It was in Visual mode when I wrote a sentence or two

    – I switched to Text mode

    – I went to Amazon Associates, found an item, selected it and copied the code

    – I pasted it into the Text editor just below the text I had written

    – The cursor was on the line directly below the last line of code

    – I deleted that last space moving the cursor up to ensure there was no added space

    Here’s the link: https://blissfulmiss.com/test-post/

    It’s password protected ?? . Also switching between editors tends to cause problems… so that might be the problem.

    OOPs sorry – just saw the password – let me look at it…

    Okay same problem – does that theme have custom post types? Is video selected by chance?

    Thread Starter Jennifer Suchey


    Well, I don’t even know how to select “video” or see if it is already selected.

    I don’t know the answer to the question about custom post types, but I’m trying to research it right now.

    I just switched to Pinboard in my test site so I could check on that, and when you’re in the new post screen, see the box on the right side – “Formats”? Make sure video is NOT selected.

    Thread Starter Jennifer Suchey


    OH . . . okay. Well, all my posts are in “Standard” format. It’s my default and I just checked the test post I made to make sure and it is.

    I wonder if when you are in Pinboard mode, if you can put an Amazon ad. I don’t seem to have trouble with “image only” by the way, and I’m pretty sure I tried “text only” before and it worked. It’s just “text with image” that has the issues.

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