• When I insert an Amazon ad into a post, whether at the bottom or in the middle of text, there are several inches of blank space after the ad before anything else appears. I’m guessing there’s an html code I can include to avoid this. Can anyone help me?

    Here’s an example. https://blissfulmiss.com/develop-good-habits/ Scroll to the bottom to see the ad. The “share this”, comment area, etc are way past the ad.

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  • Yikes – yes indeed, that does the same thing on my test site … so for some reason that theme doesn’t want to play nice with Amazon ads evidently… Sigh…I’m really not sure why :/ .

    Thread Starter Jennifer Suchey


    Bummer. So, unless you have any grand ideas, my options are to either choose a different theme, or link to my Amazon ads differently. Either use an image only, text only, or link the ad to words within my content or something.

    Hmmmm. Well, let me know if you come up with anything else. Again, I appreciate your help.

    For the moment yeah…seems weird. I’ll try to play around with it tomorrow and let you know if I find anything. Sorry I couldn’t be more help.

    Thread Starter Jennifer Suchey


    Well, at least you helped me figure out it was a problem with the theme. And it wasn’t just me being crazy! ??

    I’m going to try a pluggin next. I had tried some originally and I was having problems then, too, just getting an ad to appear at all. However, that was before I learned I’m supposed to be putting the html into the text editor. Since then, I haven’t even tried any plugging, which have all just been confusing to me. I got an adsense pluggin working, and I can put Amazon ads in my sidebar, but getting them in the post has been problematic to say the least.

    If you have any tips on an easy to use pluggin for what I’m trying to accomplish I’m all ears, since there are a gazillion to choose from.

    Thanks again.

    Hi again – I tried a few things and this seems to work on my test site – try adding this to Custom CSS:

    .fluid-width-video-wrapper {
       padding-top: 30% !important;

    Thread Starter Jennifer Suchey


    Wow. Sweet! It seems to have worked.

    I still have a small glitch, though. Instead of having a huge space, now the ad is kind of smashed up into the “Like this” area. Here’s an example. I’m looking at it on Safari, so I don’t know if it’s a browser thing. Here’s a link. Scroll to the bottom.


    I would also like to be able to put it within the content with the text wrapped around it. Could you tell me exactly how to do that? What code I enter and where specifically I enter it? Here is the code for the ad in the above link.

    <iframe src=”https://rcm.amazon.com/e/cm?t=wwwjennifersu-20&o=1&p=8&l=as1&asins=B0092XNAF8&IS1=1&ref=qf_sp_asin_til&fc1=000000&lt1=_blank&m=amazon&lc1=3B7827&bc1=000000&bg1=FFFFFF&npa=1&f=ifr&#8221; style=”width:120px;height:240px;” scrolling=”no” marginwidth=”0″ marginheight=”0″ frameborder=”0″></iframe>

    THANK YOU!!!

    I won’t be able to work on this until tomorrow now, but I’m excited for the progress. ??

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