• I use the plugin “WooCommerce Checkout Field Editor Pro”.
    I added a select field named “salutation_” with two options (Mr|Mrs).

    Is it possible to get this options inside Email Customizer under “Email Type and Text” as placeholder like “{customer_last_name}”. Because i need to write personlized Emails with salutation.

    Greetings Chris

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  • Hey,
    You would have to create custom placeholders, you can see an example here: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/available-placeholders-are-very-limited/#post-11813489

    Thread Starter chedpari


    Hello Ben,

    thank you for your support.

    This belongs to function.php in Child-Theme?

    For the PDF Invoice i solved it in template with this:

    Hey, Anytime you make code edits it should be in a child theme.

    I’m not sure what you are asking past that?


    Thread Starter chedpari


    Hey. I did a addidional checkout field called “salutation_” I need this value in the order-completed-email body text as placeholder {salutation_} to do the text there.

    I tryed this in function.php: (but it do not work ?? )

    add_filter( ‘kadence_woomail_order_body_text’, ‘add_extra_placeholders’, 10, 2 );
    function add_extra_placeholders( $body_text, $email ) {
    if ( is_a( $email->object, ‘WC_Order’ ) ) {
    $body_text = str_replace( ‘{salutation_}’, $this->custom_field(‘salutation_’), $body_text );
    return $body_text;



    That is not a valid code in the content of emails. If you need to pull meta data from the order object. Or even all get_post_meta from the order id. The plugin author for your checkout editor should be able to give you code based on the order.

    You can even try:

    get_post_meta( $email->object->get_id(), 'salutation_' );

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