Yes, normally you can set up from plugin’s management console. If you want to change the number of rows that displayed on one page, you press the Alter table button of change table schema column from the “Setting” > “Enable tables list”.
Then, you enter any number in the item of “Show Max Records” and press “Modify table” button in the Modify table tab.
In addition, because pagination of data list will be generated automatically, you do not must set the anything.
Otherwise, option is to use a shortcode of “cdbt-extract” that was added in version 1.1.7.
Format will be as follows.
[cdbt-extract table="{string}" bootstrap_style="{boolean}" display_index_row="{boolean}" narrow_keyword="{string[,string,...]}" display_cols="{string[,string,...]}" order_cols="{string[,string,...]}" sort_order="{string[,string,...]}" limit_items="{int}" add_class="{string[ string...]}" ]
In this shortcode, You can specify the number of data that displayed on one page to the attribute value of “limit_items”.
Detailed specification of this shortcode have describing here (Sorry, currently Japanese only).