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  • Thread Starter kmg454


    The blocked months is ok, but whit the zero check you can start a season also halfway the month

    Thread Starter kmg454


    Hi Jan.
    Think there is a little bug in the system.

    In the roomlist I got tent&rooms=5&persons=4 but when i choose 3 or 4 persons it will rise the price with the price per person.
    It seems this value persons will overruled with the value Standaard bezetting in the dashboard.

    Plugin Contributor Jan Maat



    I found the bug and solved it in version



    Thread Starter kmg454


    Hi Jan.

    Sometimes if we make a booking the Spinning Arrow keeps on spinning after clicking submit button.
    In the debug function of chrome I see this.

    POST 500 (Internal Server Error)send @ jquery.js:5m.extend.ajax @ jquery.js:5e.fn.ajaxSubmit @ jquery.form.min.js:11t @ jquery.form.min.js:11m.event.dispatch @ jquery.js:4r.handle @ jquery.js:4

    Plugin Contributor Jan Maat



    You talk about the spinning arrow of the CTF7?
    If so it is a CTF7 issue. I encountered this in a website without the calendar plugin and could not find a reason why. An identical site on a different server did not encountered this problem.

    With the advise of I shortcut this issue.



    Thread Starter kmg454


    Hi jan.

    Just discovered a problem in price calculating when using week price.

    Week price 02-07-2016 = € 240
    week price 14-08-2016 = € 380

    If we make a booking from Saturday 02-07-2016 till Saturday 13-08-2016 the total amount shows 380 euro

    Plugin Contributor Jan Maat



    Depending on the WP setting of the start of the week the result on my system is:

    Week starts on Monday the result is 1580,00
    Week starts on Sunday the result is 1440,00

    This difference is due to the axiom I used in the calculation. I took the price valid for the last day of the week (the most right column of the calendar) as price for the whole week.



    Thread Starter kmg454


    Hi jan.
    This is not working when I changed the the first day of the week to Saturday the total amount display 0,00 and all other days gave me the wrong value.
    So this weekprice thing is not working for me.

    Is there a possibility to have Saturday to Saturday booking and using the day price.

    I used the script below to make a difference for week and day bookings on the calendar, but when I have a week then I can’t use the day price.
    I want the date-picker to show only Saturdays for the Gite and Karsten and for other bookings show all the days.
    But I want for calculation only the day price for all.

    function bookings_dagen(){
    if(document.getElementById(“dagtest”).value ==’gite’){
    }else if(document.getElementById(“dagtest”).value ==’karsten’){
    }else {

    Plugin Contributor Jan Maat



    The whole price calculation is done at the server side. I do not see how to make this info available at the client without a major implementation.



    Thread Starter kmg454



    4 days ago you wrote:
    I remove this restriction in the next release. For that I added an extra option “Day Booking”.
    At update this option takes the value of the option “Show Day Prices”

    What is this option doing because i see no difference

    Plugin Contributor Jan Maat



    In that release I separated the display in the calendar and the setting of the booking type.
    But did you refer to the page add new price?
    In version I changed that as well.



    Thread Starter kmg454


    Hi Jan.

    On your todo list you have separated calendars for each accommodation, do you have any time stamp when this will be released.

    I have the whole system working now except the start and end months for booking tent, cottage enz. So cottage start in April but tent and camper starts in July.

    So now we make some bookings our selves to block some months which are not available for booking. But since we have 10 spots for camping we have to make 10 bookings to block this dates.

    It would be nice to have the option start and end month for each accommodation.

    Plugin Contributor Jan Maat



    I investigate the options. One of the possibilitis is to extend the “blocked month” definition. In the current implementation 0,1 means that January and February are blocked for rooms and booking types. As I have also a request to block booking types selextifly I think about the following solution: 0[room 1,day],1[room 2,week]. This reads as in January room 1 and booking type day are blocked, in February room 2 and booking type week. This combination of room and booking type is not mandatory, each alone is also possible.
    I do not have a release date yet.


    Thread Starter kmg454



    The booking type i already have solved in javascript but if it is implemented in the plugin even better.

    But for now the start of the booking season per accommodation is the most important to me, if that is solved the website can go live.

    If you interested you can see the result till now here;

    Plugin Contributor Jan Maat



    I do my best.
    Your site looks great!!



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