• cinedabba


    i am looking for putting banner ads on left and right side white space which is left

    please tell me how do ad banner in those places

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  • mrtom414


    do you already have a banner in place ?
    Can you supply a link to your page ?

    Thread Starter cinedabba


    My website name cinedabba.com,you can see margin on left and right know.I mean at that place I want to put banner



    To do the ad banners you’re probably going to have to add in a plugins. This can only be done in a widgetized area. If you want to add them into your sidebar you just need to go to widgets and add them.

    If you want to add them to an area that doesn’t support widgets. You will have to create a child theme and add an widgetized area to the child theme.

    you can use css to push the banners right and left but without knowing the plugin you plan on using. It not possible to give you css rules to position the banners.

    Thread Starter cinedabba


    hello sir i mean just like this website


    you can see left and right banners fixed while scrolling i.e outside the margins

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