• Hi,

    I run a music website, which has articles on over a 100 different bands and each article is tagged with the bands name.

    For the last couple of weeks I’ve been trying to create an index of the bands using the tags. So far I can only get all the tags on one page split into columns, which can be seen here https://www.addictmusic.co.uk/a-z/

    What I ideally want is to have a multi-page index, which will group the pages alphabetically, with an alphabetical navbar at the top.

    So all tags under A would be on one page and all tags under B on the next and so on.

    I have tried the A-Z index plugin, but it doesn’t split the pages by letter or use the tags properly

    If anyone can help I would be very grateful


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  • No harm is asking..

    I’ll make no promises though, it really depends what you’re asking.


    ok well.
    so (the firsts and most important in my mind are):
    1) the most important:
    is it possible to get an exclision in your code for some tags by id?

    2) https://x-files.net.ua/?page_id=1266 – on that page i’d like to be shown only alphabet (without a list of all tags)

    Ok sure, that’s simple enough…

    What would you like to show on the page when no tag is requested? Just the letters and numbers?

    Exclusion is easy enough if you can provide the IDs for those that need to be excluded or did you have something else in mind?



    2) about showing:
    only letters and numbers.

    P.S. when i clicked on any letter, after opening new page we can see a link Show all.
    I’d like to remove it.

    3) is it possible to show in alphabet only those letter which tags are exist?
    if there’s no tags starting with Y – so no letter Y in alphabet.
    when tag with Y appears – so and the letter automaticaly appears.

    P.S. sorry for my english…

    Try this version..

    No problem with the english, we’re managing just fine… ??

    1) exclusion is working
    2) https://x-files.net.ua/?page_id=1266 – still all the tags.
    and instead of alphabet there’s a word “No tags”
    2) a) cause no alphabet – can’t check it.
    3) cause no alphabet – can’t check it.

    Almost there, been working on it directly from your site.

    It’s late here, so i’ll have to take a further look tomorrow when i’ve got a fresh head.. (and some sleep)…

    I’ve left the page functioning, with one small remaining issue, in regard to numeric tags (1,2,3 etc..), just need to get some rest and rethink that bit tomorrow (it works, minus the numeric tag links showing up for non-existent tags).

    thank you a lot!!!!!

    P.S. on the https://x-files.net.ua/?page_id=1266 still all the tags..
    hoping for your help. ??

    I’m writing a new page template, stick with what you have for the moment, i’ll post a pastebin link up once it’s complete.. ??

    waiting with patience….

    lol, there’s always something i don’t test for…

    Had to make a few minor changes after adding the new code to your site, but it looks like it’s working as expected now (layout aside – adjust as required), take a look..

    For reference:


    that’s just great!!
    thank you very much!!!
    i’ve changed a little bit:

    <!-- <h2><?php echo apply_filters( 'the_title' , $title ); ?></h2> -->
    <div class="azindex">
    		<?php echo $navi ;?>
    <span class="tagindex">
    		<?php echo ( !empty( $to_show ) ) ? implode( $tag_sep , $to_show ) : ''; ?>


    .content .tagindex a {color:#344342; text-decoration:none;}
    .content .azindex a {color:#344342; font-size: 12px; text-decoration:none;}

    the only thing I maybe would like to try is to assign class=”x-filesaz” (instead of azindex) to <?php echo $navi ;?>
    but, after doing it i can’t make letters be shown correctly.. ??
    x-filesaz – is a class of TTFGen plugin (https://www.ads-software.com/extend/plugins/wp-ttfgen/).
    just can’t find out how to deal in style.css with .x-filesaz after assigning it to $navi.

    That plugin’s CSS isn’t being loaded on that page (so adding that class won’t do anything)..

    Changing the class is simply just updating this bit.

    <div class="azindex">

    I think you know how to do taht though, you’ve added additional code just fine..

    You can remove the title bits if you don’t need them (the $title bit at the top can go to if you’re not using it to, rather then just commenting out the related code).

    What exactly do you want to do with the styling?, the CSS you’ve posted above should be sufficient in dealing with it. I can help adjust it if you tell me what you want it to do…

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