Thank you so much for your responses!!
– Are you using a plugin for this “Facebook events” feature? Yes? Which plugin? Where did you download it from?
I’m using Facebook Events Importer plugin. Downloaded from within WordPress.
– Is this a feature of your active theme? Yes? What’s the name of this theme? Where did you download it from?
No it’s not from the them but from the plugin
I’ve tried various methods and none seem to work.
which ones exactly?
what were the results?
for example, have you tried to work with a ‘conditional widget’ plugin or similar, like the ‘Widget Visibility’ of the jetpack plugin?
I put this in my sidebar.php:
<!– judyshatkin adding code to have sidebar only on front page –>
<?php if (!is_front_page()) {
} ?>
Nothing happened to my sidebars.
I tried putting this in the sidebar.php:
<!– judyshatkin adding code to have sidebar only on front page –>
.private-events #page #id_left_sidebar {
display: none;
.private-events #page #id_content {
width: 100%;
.home #page #id_left_sidebar {
display: 50%;
.home #page #id_content {
width: 50%;
But it’s showing up as text. What am I getting wrong with my comment?