• How can I make it beso that the Site Title + Tagline you enter in wp is not thjes same as what it sayys in the browser tab for my site? as in i want something different to be said in the borwser tab part

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  • Hi there,

    What appears in the browser tab is determined by the HTML <title> attribute in your site’s <head> section, and has nothing to do with what theme you’re using.

    The easiest way to change that is using a plugin, and most SEO plugins, like Yoast SEO, includes an option to customize the title attribute for different pages on your site.

    For more help with this, please ask in the general forums, or in the forums for specific plugins that do this. As this is not something that’s controlled by the theme, we can’t help you more than this in this forum.

    My websites: https://windowsquiz.com/

    I can not insert images into posts, or edit posts. When I edit the post, then click Update, the error does the following

    I’m using the WordPress Crafty theme

    Need support from anyone.

    Hi @winpoint, looking at your site right now it shows that your theme is Momentous Lite and not Crafty. Support for your theme can be found here:


    So you may want to post there to have the theme author respond. That said, this may not be a theme issue based upon what you’ve mentioned so far. I would suggest disabling all active plugins that you have active, switch to a default theme such as TwentyTwenty or TwentyNineteen and see if the issues still persist.

    If the issues are gone with all plugins deactivated and the theme set to a default, you can then re-enable your previous theme and test further. If still working, you can go through and re-enable each plugin one by one testing after each activation to find the possible culprit causing the error.

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