• Hello Everyone

    I have a problem. I am creating a Terms of Service and Privacy Policy page. I want to hide these two pages from the top navigation of Minamaze and just link to them using text footer links. The problem is I not sure how to do that. I have looked at exclude pages plugins but they all are out of date and untested with my version of wordpress. I still want these pages indexed as well. I desperately need help.


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  • hi there,
    You don’t need a plugin for that. You can make your own custom menu from the wordpress’ admin panel > Appearance > Menus. Create a new menu, add the pages you want to appear and set it as the “primary header menu”.

    For the footer make another menu, do the same as above and set it as the “footer menu”.

    hope that helps!

    Dorza , did that work for you ?
    I’m having same issue !

    Hi. I’m answering on behalf of dorza. We never did figure it out. We worked around it by simply adding it into the “footer” areas of the theme, which gives us 6 footer areas.

    In the footer area we added HTML code to reference what we needed to.

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