• Resolved sharyndecker


    i’m new to wp. using the default theme. the initial sidebar there has five sections you may recall – about, archives, categories, blogroll – and one titled “meta”. (further clarification, the meta sub headings are site administration, log in, valid xhtml, xfn and wordpress). i think i need the first two links, tho not positive about that (site admin and log in) but i SURE don’t want people who visit my site to see them – or use them. how can i hide them from readers? fyi – love the wp documentation. am taking full advantage, but have not come across the simple way to make this change, and there must be one. thanks for input here

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  • as you are aware you can exchange all the ‘widgets’ in the sidebar when you drag the first real widget into the sidebar area ( admin apperance widgets);
    that would get rid of the whole meta ‘widget’, just replace the ones you want.

    or you could leave the admin widget area empty, and put a conditional statement around the meta code in sidebar.php, so it will only be shown to the logged in original administrator:

    <?php global $current_user;
    if ('1' == $user_ID) : ?>
    // original code starting here //
    					<?php wp_register(); ?>
    					<li><?php wp_loginout(); ?></li>
    					<li><a href="https://validator.w3.org/check/referer" title="This page validates as XHTML 1.0 Transitional">Valid <abbr title="eXtensible HyperText Markup Language">XHTML</abbr></a></li>
    					<li><a href="https://gmpg.org/xfn/"><abbr title="XHTML Friends Network">XFN</abbr></a></li>
    					<li><a href="https://www.ads-software.com/" title="Powered by WordPress, state-of-the-art semantic personal publishing platform.">WordPress</a></li>
    					<?php wp_meta(); ?>
    // original code ending here //
    <?php endif; ?>

    not sure is this would be considered a ‘simple way’ ??

    Thread Starter sharyndecker


    oh, you’re too kind for responding so fast. well, i just now (after a week and a half) found my file manager on my web host dashboard and am exploring it, and assume this is the place i would find certain files, like these pfp things you suggest i modify. never have done any code writing/changing and have been praying i could avoid it. scares me. plus, my web host – bluehost – has automatically done so much of the basic work for me already. however, i understand the adding widgets. i activated one (askimet for handling comment spam – or perhaps that was a plug-in) and i tried adding a widget (or plug-in) introduced in wp ‘how to’ first steps (can’t remember or find the name, but it was a recomended thing to link to the codex) and gave up for now on adding that thing. SO, i like my sidebar, just not that one part. are you saying i can find a widget and install it and it will help me exchange something cool for the unwanted portion of the sidebar?

    You should just be able to go in and remove it from the sidebar.php in your theme – it’s pretty easy to do! You can make a copy of the file before playing with it. You will see something like this that you can “Get rid of” to eliminate the “Meta” category. I do this all the time ??

    <div class="widget_style" id="meta">
    <div class="cats_head_bg">
    <h2 class="h3"><?php _e('Meta','theme110'); ?></h2>
    <?php wp_register('<li>', '</li>'); ?>
    <li><?php wp_loginout(); ?></li>
    <li><a href="https://www.myfacebooklogin.com">Facebook Apps</a></li>
    <li><a href="https://www.wordpress.pro">Wordpress Themes</a></li>
    <?php wp_meta(); ?>
    Thread Starter sharyndecker


    sounds like you are saying i can’t just do it with a widget. if so, i shall try the above. so, you think i go to my bluehost file manager and find a file about my themes and find a file about my sidebar and delete a part of it? how do i decide which part to delete, after i find this thing? (Uhmmm, could you point me to a place in the wp codex that walks the beginningest beginner thru their very first time making the simplest change to any code?) and thank you!

    Thread Starter sharyndecker


    ohhhhhh. as i continue to explore: so perhaps really, i go to my wp control panel, go to ‘appearance’ and beneath that, go to edit. THERE i find a bunch of code i guess is the right word, and you’re suggesting i make my change there!? i think. i’m still exploring the widget place and there seems to be a way to drag the ‘meta’ category/widget into a place where it is inactive, but retains its settings. interestingly, on that widget page, is a large column filled with ‘available widgets’ another column that says i can drag widgets into it to activate them (its empty cause i never dragged anything there, yet i see what i want to see on my website sidebar) and a third place for inactive widgets. i dragged the meta widget into that place, and it stayed. but, i still see the ‘meta’ section on my website’s sidebar. any further thoughts would be deeply appreciated.

    what you see in the sidebar, when you begin with wordpress, are ‘only’ a kind of ‘placeholder’ that look like widgets.

    when you drag one of the widgets from the large column into the area on the right, then these ‘placeholders’ will disappear.

    you are on the right track – keep exploring and playing; at the end you cannot reaaly destroy anything, as long as you make backup copies of the working files.

    Thread Starter sharyndecker


    ok. thanks. so if i drag the meta thing into the area on the right, and THEN drag it down to to the inactive place, perhaps it will really vanish from view on my website? AND, since i’ve already made changes like to my categories, and blogroll, did i make those changes to ‘placeholders’ and instead of for real widgets, and will that cause me future probs? yes, exploring is amazingly useful.

    so if i drag the meta thing into the area on the right, and THEN drag it down to to the inactive place, perhaps it will really vanish from view on my website?

    it is slightly different:
    to get rid of the meta and to ‘keep’ the other ‘widgets’ in the sidebar, you need to drag those others into the grey area in admin.
    meta will then be gone.

    any changes to data and content in your blog is stored in the database, and dragging widgets will not affect these.

    Thread Starter sharyndecker


    alright alchymyth, i think i got it! in my control panel, under widgets, i moved search, categories, pages, links and archives over to the right. AND now they all show up on my website’s sidebar (in the order i want them, and all of their info was retained) i moved meta to the box on the right and then to the box below cause i don’t want it to appear on website. same with recent comments (at least for now) i moved my askimet and rss over to the right to activate them and then down below to hide them (maybe that was unecesary, but seemed like activation is important step?) is it? i am now also left wondering about two items, tag cloud and text, which i don’t really know what they do or if i need them or if it matters that i have not ‘activated’ them by moving them to the right. my initial problem is solved. but if you want to comment on the uncertainties i mention, i’d like that. and you are my hero today, btw!

    hi guys, I want all my widgets to completely disappear and I have disactivated them manually by moving them form right to left.
    so far search, archive and meta are still there on my website.
    what I am missing?
    hope you can help

    Try editing the default content of your theme’s sidebar.php file.

    hi thanks for replying so quick, I need a bit of a guide cause I don’t know where and what to edit, could you please tell me how to do it?

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