• Hello everyone. I need help resolving a problem that I’m sure is simple, but I can’t figure out for the life of me. I’m new to writing WordPress code, so that’s probably why I’m stumped.

    I want to include a banner image on just one single page. This particular page on my WordPress site is a blog (the rest of the pages on my site are non-blog, regular and straightforward web pages). I would like to include a banner on that blog page, but make sure it doesn’t appear on any other page. I have tried following the suggestions of other questions/responses on the forum, but for some reason I’m not getting something and/or I’m doing something wrong. I need to know:

    – what code I should use to get that image banner on just one page and use it as a header
    – in what php template I should place that code
    – where in the php the code should go

    Along with this, how can I remove other header information (name of site, subtitle) on that one single blog page to where there is only the banner image at the top of that one page.

    Remember, I’m new to all of this, so I would appreciate clear and careful suggestions for a newbie.

    Much thanks!

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  • Geeksfolder, I am trying to do the same thing as Weeniebaste. My site in not on the web yet but I am self hosting my site with bitnami while I am creating it. Can you help me out. I used your suggestion but it shifted my site losing the right column. Thanks!

    Hey theshann,

    Sure I will help you, but I need to see your site and code.
    Can you upload your site on your server temporarily
    and send me the link?

    Yes, I have to sign up for a server first. Thank you very much. I will start to work on that now.


    I have uploaded my site and it is https://www.nostalgiagroup.net

    The banner I want to put on the post page is:


    Thanks for offering your help.

    Hey theshann,

    Just to make sure…
    so you want to display the new banner only on the blog page.
    Is that right?
    Then can you post your header.php code in pastebin.com?
    I will take a look at the code and modify it for you.

    Yes I do want to display the banner only on the blog page.

    I’m sorry but I can’t find the header.php code but I have seen it before. would you like me to give you a temporary log in to my sight?

    Yep, that will do.

    Please send me the login details through here and I will take a look.

    Hi geeksfolder,

    I sent you the login information for my site. I have been looking at your site and it looks great and works very well. Did you use wordpress. I like your contact page. Also, my blog page is the news button.

    Thank you very much for your help.


    Hey theshann,

    Oh probably you might have missed my another email.
    As I need to modify your files, I need to grant the admin access to your backend.

    Currently my account you have set up is a subscriber.
    Please change the level to admin and let me know.


    I set you up as an admin.

    Thank you for your help.


    Hey theshann,

    It has been updated so the new header graphic will appear on the blog pages.

    Feel free to let me know if you have any further questions.



    Hmmm… I wonder if I could interject on this topic?

    Here’s the case:

    I have kind of a photoblog. A template that I’m creating. On the home.php page, I have kind of a grid thing going on with a featured image for each post. When someone clicks that post or image, I was able to display the featured image on one part of the single.php page. What I’d super like to do is add an additional image that also pertains to that post.

    I tried to just add an image to the actual post, you know, “insert in to post”. But that didn’t work.

    Any suggestions out there?

    Ryan Yu


    Hey gmonk,

    Can I see your webpage please?
    I would have a better idea ??



    My website is hosted locally. Would I just be able to paste the code to you or how would you like to see it?



    geeksfolder, Thank you very much for your help. When I go to my website: nostalgiagroup.net my news banner doesn’t show on the news tab which is my blog page. Is there anything I have to do to reset it so it works.

    Again, thank you.


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