• I have a blog named seo experts academy at seoexpertsacademy.in and in this blog i am using a theme called absolum from theme4press .com and i just wanted to increase the area of my content a little more than what it is now on the blog and decrease the sidebar content by 10% at least. So if anyone could help me how to do that.

    Thanks in advance.

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  • in style.css adjust the line 84 and 88

    #content {
    margin: 0 325px 0 5px;

    decrease 325px and decrease the same at width: 280px below. top is line 84 and bottom is line 88

    #primary, #secondary {
    float: right;
    overflow: hidden;
    width: 280px;
    padding: 30px 20px 10px 20px;
    Thread Starter Imeye


    Hi, nsathees i just tried the method you outlined it worked but my content area overflowed into sidebar. Content area was overlapping with sidebar.

    I reverted back to original settings, will u tell me how to move that sidebar a little to the right so that i dont get this overlapping problem.

    Probably a little late on this one, but I had the same problem, only to realize that the file images/sidebar.png needs to also be cropped by the same number of pixels as the amount you’re decreasing the margin and width properties above. Hope this helps!

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