How to insert Owl-Carousel properly in my .php files?
Hi there,
First of all I want to give a huge thanks to the developer of Owl-Carousel Pluging. It′s a great solution with lot’s of style.
I’m having a little trouble in the “do_shortcode” code.
I’ve add the string:<?php echo do_shortcode('[owl-carousel category="promo" singleItem="true" autoPlay="false" navigation="true" ]'); ?>
It’s in my “index.php” file.
It only loads images one on the top of the other, just like an normal <img src=””>.So I got back to this support forum and found some explanations in a thread from 1 year ago.
The string looks pretty much like this.<?php echo do_shortcode('[owl-carousel category="promo" items="2" autoPlay="false" navigation="true" ]'); ?>
But it isn’t workig as well.
Am I missing somethig?
Should I insert a<link href="plugin-style-path.css" rel="stylesheet">
!?!??!You can check what is going on @
It’s just my first website at all!!! I’m using Foundation + SASS as my framework.
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