• Resolved abhisekpadhi


    I have an AWS Elasticache instance running with only one Redis Node. After installing the plugin, I did edit the wp-config.php and added this constant :

    define( 'WP_REDIS_HOST', 'XX-XXXX.1XXXqv.nX.0XXX.XXXe1.cache.amazonaws.com' );

    Then I enabled object cache from Settings > Redis.

    Now the page shows :

    Redis Status Connected

    Client: Predis v1.0.3
    Protocol: TCP
    Host: XX-XXXX.1XXXqv.nX.0XXX.XXXe1.cache.amazonaws.com
    Port: 6379
    Database: 0

    How do I know if the Redis engines is caching the objects or not ?

    I did try to implement this redis admin tool – https://github.com/oliver006/PHP-Redis-Browser and The tool was able to connect to my Redis instance.

    But it showed me empty key-value stores.

    How do I know that my Redis engine is actually working ? It would great if you can suggest some redis admin tools. Better if they are terminal based.



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  • Plugin Author Till Krüss


    I recommend the Debug Bar plugin.

    Thread Starter abhisekpadhi


    Hi Till,

    Thanks for the recommendation. I did install it and tested few pages. No doubt the pages load in 1-2 seconds. I did test in Incognito mode and In Mobile devices too.

    The Debug plugin reports :

    Cache Status: Connected
    Cache Hits: 6614
    Cache Misses: 43
    Caches Retrieved:
    prefix:group:key - size in kilobytes
    ic3qt4_:default:is_blog_installed - 0.01 kb
    ic3qt4_:options:notoptions - 26.63 kb
    ic3qt4_:options:alloptions - 394.04 kb
    ic3qt4_:options:uninstall_plugins - 0.85 kb

    So, that means object cache is working. It would be great if you could add options setting panel in wp-admin backend to configure redis cache plugin and monitor.

    Redis has a command-line client tool redis-cli which is very useful. Execute redis-cli monitor and request a few pages and a lot of output will scroll through the terminal window.
    When using AWS Elasticache use redis-cli -h XX-XXXX.1XXXqv.nX.0XXX.XXXe1.cache.amazonaws.com default host is localhost.

    Plugin Author Till Krüss


    @abhisekpadhi: The object cache has to be configured though the wp-config.php, because it’s loaded way before any settings are loaded or a database connection is established.

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