• I started a music blog and also found a plugin to add links. After searching for some more Mp3’s I came upon Terms of Service. All of these free mp3 sites, state that you cannot use them for commercial use. That’s OK, I can forgo that, but I still want to list the songs for listening.

    I thin found out, that all the MP# sites I looked at, state that you must delete the mp3 file after listening to it?

    Is there any legal way to put mp3 music on the blog, especially older stuff?

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  • I could be wrong, but maybe if you use flash so they can’t be downloaded. Also, you might add a link to buy the music below your player.

    I’m pretty sure that you are entering into the dreaded grey area….

    if you are posting any music without authorization from the label….

    Flash can be downloaded quite easily, as can any other format. The more popular the music, the more chance you’ll have of getting in crap of course.

    Not a lawyer, just spewin my own words here

    Thread Starter sgtmac


    Thanks for the info guys, but still confused about this problem. I see a lot of sites with mp3 music for listening, but darn if I can find any legalize to just add songs to a blog for listening.

    Although I can find a lot of non-copyrighted stuff, it’s the copyrighted stuff, that I only want to put on the blog, for non-commercial listening purposes. One would think, this would be no problem, as long as you linked back to the producer or artist.

    One thing I have found, is that most of the MP3 sites, download the files from internet sources, then put a disclaimer on their site, that it’s their not responsibility. A load of baloney if you ask me.

    Hi sgtmac,
    Have you tried using soundcloud? Free to register and also free to embed songs into your blog.


    Very good and easy to use.

    Thread Starter sgtmac


    Thanks for the link, I will check it out. BTW, I have been looking over the music industries sites on the Copyright issue. Man, they have really put a halt to the P2P downloads and other things.

    One would think, they would work with us, so we as lovers of music, could at least post songs on the blog, without, fear of visitors downloading them free of charge. A link back to an artist or producer if the visitor wanted to purchase the song or album, would be a plus.

    If anyone knows of such a plug-in, that can be used without fear of copyright infringement, let me know. Surely someone out here has thought how something like this should work or can develop an application in concert with the recording industry.

    I have the exact same problem sgtmac. I desperately want to blog music. If you find a solution please reply to this thread. Also, about the thing you said with the recording industry, its not the real music makers out there doing this, its the artists who are money hungry and sold out, the non-music loving recording company enterprisers and the lawyers hired by them. I agree, music is to be shared.

    Thread Starter sgtmac


    The whole music thing, is fuzzy at best. I have a friend, that plays free music downloads…that is, artists who let you download and play their music for free. All they want is exposure to their music.

    I on the other hand want to use copyrighted music, which in itself is a dangerous area. I have no intent, to illegally download their music, or let a visitor download their music without paying for it first.

    Some folks I hear, download music from a site, say an MP3, then put a player on the site to play the music. You would assume this is OK, as long as the link to the music you are linking to is not illegally gotten from an illegitimate site. (This however is a dangerous grey area)…How do you know the site you are downloading from, has the legal authority to let someone else download it.

    If one looks over many of this so called FREE MP3 sites, and look over the terms, you will find they have disclaimers for using and downloading music from their sites.

    The term FREE MUSIC, is dangerous in itself.

    Anyway, I am still researching this, but so far, no clear answers.

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