• I want to limit the length of the_content to display on homepay. I can limit using the get_the_content function, but the problem is that get_the_content does not get the content with formatting (eg. does not include image or paragraph tag etc).
    Please help me with it.

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  • use the ‘more-tag’ when writing or editng your posts.


    also, you could apply the ‘the_content’ filter on the truncated get_the_content()

    <?php echo appply_filters('the_content', substr(get_the_content(), 0, 200) ); ?>


    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    You’re close to solving it! After you get_the_content() and play with the data, do apply_filters() like so.

    $content = get_the_content();
    $content = apply_filters('the_content', $content );

    Then the shortcodes and formatting will be applied.

    Edit: 4 minutes, I’m getting slower. Darn you Sweeper, Daaarrrnnnn yooouuu! ??

    Just do the following to return the content to a variable where you can manipulate it

    $content = apply_filters('the_content', $content);
    $content = str_replace(']]>', ']]>', $content);

    this will produce the same output that the_content() returns. You can then limit the length using your method without using the ‘more-tag’. Hope this helps.


    Thread Starter billa1


    @alchymyth and Jan Dembowski Thanks for the quick replies ?? Solves my problem.

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