Hi there –
2.I would like to remove the black stroke around the thumbnail pictures (front page) when you hover over them. Is it possible?
Looks like you figured this out, are you set?
1.I am building my portfolio with Blask theme and when I link each project to its individual project page, the images are very small as some of them are quite panoramic format. Is it possible to see these images bigger?.
Could you provide a couple of links to examples of projects where the images aren’t big enough so I can take a look directly?
3.Would be possible to add the “next” and “previous” arrows on the sides of the image instead of at the bottom of the picture and remove the text “post” from them.
Making these changes would require some code changes in a child theme, so you’ll need to be comfortable editing theme files for that.
Making a child theme means your changes won’t be overwritten when you update the theme. If you’re new to child themes, you can explore these guides:
If you need further help, could you please start a new thread? Your question is different than the original poster’s, and this way they won’t keep getting email notifications for every new reply. Thanks!