• Hey guys. I use welcome plugin to load intro welcome text on my site. Problem is that this plugin is loading everywhere on all pages, and I want to load it only on Specific pages. Can I setup it only to load on specific pages? This is code lines which are controlling this option I think. Will be happy for every answer.

    function welcome_output (){
    	 if(is_home())  global $wDefaults;
    	$wVar = welcome_getOptions(); 
    	if($_COOKIE[$wDefaults['welcome_cookie_name']] == '1') return;
    	echo '<div id="cover" style="background-color: ' .$wVar['welcome_color']. ';height:100%;width:100%; position:fixed;z-index:2147483646; top: 0; margin: 0 auto; left:0;">' . $wVar['welcome_content'] . '</div><noscript><style>#cover{ display: none; visibility: hidden; height: 0px; width: 0px; }</style></noscript>';
    	/* JS generation, mess */
    	echo '<script>
    	if($wVar['welcome_cookie_duration'] > 0)
    		echo 'if(jQuery.cookie("'.$wDefaults['welcome_cookie_name'].'")=="1") return;';
    	echo 'setTimeout(function() { jQuery("#cover").fadeOut('. ($wVar['welcome_sec_fade_out'] * 1000) .'); }, '. ($wVar['welcome_sec_after'] * 1000) .');
    			jQuery.cookie("'.$wDefaults['welcome_cookie_name'] .'", "1", { expires: '. $wVar['welcome_cookie_duration']  .' });
    	}); </script>';
    	wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery-cookie', plugins_url('/jquery.cookie.js', __FILE__ ), array( 'jquery' ), '1.4.1', false );
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