Thank you very much for your attention.
What you say could be another possible solution .
I’ll explain better what I need, 2 types of albums “A” and ” B” :
If my users are not logged in or are only visitors will be able to view the content of albums “A”. No contents of the albums “B” will see. No matter who see the cover albums “B”
If my users are registered and logged in , they can view, upload and edit photos to albums “A”. No contents of the albums “B” will see. No matter who see the cover albums “B”
If my users are also the group “partners” will be able to view, upload and edit photos to albums “A” and also albums “B”.
Belonging to the role “partners” is manually authorized by the administrator.
This is a community leisure with 20 partners and hundreds of supporters . Photos of the partners shall be closed only for partners. The albums are shared by all partners and create one for each year of community activity. Or for a special activity.
The album of the type ” A” have no problem with the appropriate configurations tables currently existing in WPPA. And there is one for each year.
Then , possible solutions for type B are, I believe :
– That the album can have multiple owners , so the administrator could manually assign ownership to 20 members of a type B album
– That property of an album can be a role and , therefore , all users assigned to that role.
– That there is a selective right to see albums . And is completely hidden from those who do not have that right and that they can not even afford even typing the address directly into the browser.
– Or any other solution to solve what you have explained.
I hope I explained well. Sorry for my English
Thank You very much