Not quite what I wanted. But, I found a pretty good workaround. I used the Different Posts p/ Page plugin. With that, I put the options of displaying homepage posts to 1, so it never brings anymore into my homepage. Then, I added a Category called ‘Latest News’. I set it to -1 for unlimited posts to show. Then.. I enabled the Archive widget and called it ‘Latest News’. Now, It will display a nice month-by-month view of all postings (March, April, etc..) under the widget. I actually like it even better this way, since the user can click on any month to see the news.
Another bonus is that they can click on the Post title and comment now, which I don’t allow anywhere else on the site, since I don’t have registration enabled (it’s just a band site.. not a blog). So.. I also updated index.php of my theme with <br /><h4 class="center"><span style="background-color: #FFFF00">Click post title to read and/or write comments.</span></h4>
right after <div class="alignleft"><?php next_posts_link('« Older Entries') ?></div>
just to let the users know they can click the posts and comment.
Just thought I’d update.. in case anyone else runs into this and likes this workaround.