• I was wondering how to make a code box. so if I want to post a long java script it puts it into a scroll box on the page so it doesnt make the entry so long. any help is apreciated thx

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  • First, define a css class in your theme’s style.css. Something like the following:

    .code {
    width: 600px;
    height: 300px;
    overflow: auto;
    border: 1px solid #000;

    It’s the overflow property that displays the scroll bars (if needed). You can also set overflow to scroll if you want them displayed at all times. Then in your posts, add code like so:

    <pre class="code">
    function HeyAlert() {
    alert('Hey, don't click there!');

    Thread Starter james2k1


    Thx for the code now I am having the problem. The code I put between The
    <pre class=”code”>
    Tags doesnt show on the page at all It makes the box with the scroll bars but thats it the box is blank any ideas what I’m doing wrong?

    Thread Starter james2k1


    Here is the code im traying to get into the box
    i added it between the tags you sujested
    <pre class=”code”>

    <!– hide this script tag’s contents from old browsers
    function lifetimer(){

    today = new Date()

    BirthDay = new Date(document.live.age.value)

    timeold = (today.getTime() – BirthDay.getTime());

    sectimeold = timeold / 1000;

    secondsold = Math.floor(sectimeold);

    msPerDay = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 ;

    timeold = (today.getTime() – BirthDay.getTime());

    e_daysold = timeold / msPerDay;

    daysold = Math.floor(e_daysold);

    e_hrsold = (e_daysold – daysold)*24;

    hrsold = Math.floor(e_hrsold);

    minsold = Math.floor((e_hrsold – hrsold)*60);

    document.live.time1.value = daysold

    document.live.time2.value = hrsold

    document.live.time3.value = minsold

    window.status = “Well at the moment you are ” + secondsold + “………… seconds old.”;

    timerID = setTimeout(“lifetimer()”,1000)

    // — done hiding from old browsers –>



    It’s reading the tags as *actual* tags. Edit your code so < is written as &lt; and > as &gt;

    Thread Starter james2k1


    Thx so much for the help now is there a way in the style sheet to make it where only the side scroll bar shows up?

    Thread Starter james2k1


    ok almost got everything right but now when I add the code it is putting “\” in weird places that they dont belong any ides why here is a link to the page.


    Ah, the annoying slash bug for <pre> tag content. I had forgotten about that one. And I thought they had whacked it with 1.5.2, but nope, it’s still there.

    Fix information is here:

    Change occurs to functions-formatting.php in wp-includes/.

    If you want, you can use the iG:Syntax Hiliter plugin that colourise your code & allows you to post in a box. Along with Javascript, it supports many other languages.

    Anyway to do this with HTML?

    MTC – where is your wp blog?

    Arrgh. I’ve tried all these things and I still can’t get my banner to show up on myspace as JUST CODE. I want people to be able to cut and paste it for themselves so i’m trying to get it to appear as THE CODE and not as the banner and i just can’t seem to figure it out. does anyone know how the heck to do that? Please help. if you want to see the site its https://www.myspace.com/amandadroste

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